Quick Update!
We added sand on Friday form
Tampa Bay Saltwater . The first shipment of rock will be here this week some time. We ordered 300 lbs of sand and 360 lbs of live rock. We worked hard to finish as much of the tank room as we could, and flooded 3 times in the process LOL (not really LOL, but its funny now). Flood number one was when I was draining the sump and the hose came out of the sink on the floor spreading about 10 gallons of water onto our fish room floor (good thing we had the shower membrane down). Flood 2 was when the skimmer, out of nowhere, was overflowing and had also overflowed the 5 gallon jug we use for collection (another 3 gallons or so). Lastly, there is the final and most dramatic overspill where I had moved the return outlets (that are mounted in the front and push water toward the rear) up so I could clean...OF COURSE I forgot to move them back under the water, so when I plugged in the return pump (which is a Barracuda), I heard something strange. As I looked up the wall of the tank, over the edge came MUCHO water clearing the edge and drenching me, the floor, and causing the GFMI to kick off (GOOD THING!)... BUT, in spite of all of that, we got a lot accomplished and are excited! The sand has already begun to cycle the tank!!!
Another 50 LB bak af the most amazing sand I have ever seen from TBS
Yes, George (labradoodle) and Orvis (corgi) are wonderring what I am doing in the tank.
Sand is stirring up a mess. If you notice on the left, the light fixture is rolled out on a track that is installed on the door. This is so the main front fixture can slide back.
I have heard of hitchhikers on rock, but in sand>> HOW COOL!
There she is...Big Blue and ready for more goods...bit of settling needed.
This is the side view of the tank. That black piping is the drain for this side of the tank.
Here we are looking on the left side of the tank looking across the front.
Now standing in front of the tank looking toward the rear on the left side, or down the short side of the "L".