Back in the game

Couple of new things; perhaps A. monticulosa or globiceps

More stag

Swapped out the 2 6,500k bulbs for 10k's, looked so blue to my eyes after the swap. Looks bluer than a radium, hope this isn't an issue?

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Welcome back, I look forward to seeing your tank grow! So far everything looks good, and the kz bulbs won't let you down :)
Yellowhead Butterfly - Chaetodon xanthocephalus. Very cool, mostly picks at the green stylo above. My emperor didn't like him for a while but things have just calmed down. Eats well and picks at the rocks/algae 99% of the time.

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Looking great matey. Fish selection is awesome. Do they bite the acros? :D

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What is the filtration and dosing? Still relying on kalk?
Back in the game

Cheers bud. The emp takes a bite once every couple of days, the butterfly a few times a day - mostly the fast growing non acros though so they're safe!
I'm still mostly relying on kalk, just now noticing it can't keep up so manually adjusting with Red Sea part A and B 'til I can be bothered buying a 2+ head dosing pump. CoralKolor 7 or 8 drops every couple days, as well as Seachem Iodide 2ml and Trace elements 2ml. Was supposed to be dosing vinegar @ 15ml daily but the timer was dodgy and kept clearing the settings, so started that back up. Barebottom & still using KZ Revolution Skimmer.
Last measurements were: kh 7.5, ca 380, mg 1200, no3 2.5 (a few weeks ago I swapped all the LR in my sump for 4L pond matrix so it crept up from .2)

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A stylo or two on the left and I'll let it be (maybe.)
Need to force a couple of brownies to colour up..oh wild coral..

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Thanks for the sump pics matey. I'm looking to upgrade hence looking out for sump and filtration ideas etc.

Is that Matrix rocks in the return area? Roughly how much do you have in there?
Looking nice Benar! I love the fish and the layout of the tank, nicely done :) Cannot wait to see the tank as it matures.