Back in the Hobby after 15-20 yrs

Aaannndd, maybe I changed my mind with lighting??‍♂️. Possibly 2 Radion xr15’s? AI Hydra 32’s? Uggh, this is twisting my brain.

Either of those are actually excellent choices, definitely landing in the "tried, tested and true" catagory and also less spendy than some of your other options you listed. Most people say the Mobius app for the radion is not as smooth an experience as the AI app but otherwise the two lights are pretty evenly matched and definitely grow coral. I'm regurgitating here because I don't own either of them lol (I've been back on T5's for the last couple years on my frag tank), but the next display system is likely going to have Radion G5's over it.
I think the pre-fab rock work available these days looks very interesting. I remember the hit or miss quality of hunting for just the right pieces of rock (over any number of weeks) and never feeling like it was ever quite right.
Well I got the sump out, cleaned it up as well as the tank. Currently painting the stand. I’m going to replumb the system, I removed the bulkheads, which required cutting the pipes. Going to put better ones on. John, when I get to lights I think I’m leaning towards two Radion XR15’s. Like the look of them, and think they’d fulfill all my needs. But like anything, that may change!
Coming together


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John, when I get to lights I think I’m leaning towards two Radion XR15’s. Like the look of them, and think they’d fulfill all my needs. But like anything, that may change!

Those seem like a favorite of many. Always subject to change ?
Next I put the setup in the house now or keep it in the garage to plumb and check for leaks?. Of course I need to buy the return pump for that. Am I confident I can successfully plumb this system? We will see
Thanks John.....I believe I’ll keep it in the garage for the moment. A 100 gallon tank sitting empty in the house may not please the wife?. Plus, filling and emptying 100 gallons of water just to check for leaks will be a lot easier outside.
Thanks! For being a used tank, I think (hope) I did ok. The price I paid basically would’ve paid for the sump alone (I paid $550). Was worried when I got home how DIY it was, mainly the stand, but it’s grown on me. Almost like a challenge.
Quick question everyone, as I freak out about everything! This tank is obviously not rimless, but has eurobracing, which appears diy. The bottom of the tank has the same black bracing as the top, but that leaves the bottom glass raised a bit from the mat on top of the stand. Is this ok? I’ve only ever had an acrylic tank, so glass is a new adventure