Behind the scenes of a large wholesaler

We should leave them in the hands of people like this????????
I think the general idea is to see responsible collecting, as well as responsible shipping and wholesale and retail.
Is there any way to tell whether a fish/invert you are buying is really captive bred or wild caught? (from among species that can be either, obviously )
Is there any sort of organization for certifying, inspecting, issuing seals of approval?
This entire thread is why i love my local forums. Frag swapping and growing everything from a small twig. It makes me happy to know this whole coral was raised from almost nothing to a colony with llittle or no impact to the real reefs of the world.
i am pretty sure this has changed i think that something like 95% are alive when the customer gets them from the total caught. i have some exp. with wholesale fish and coral and the survival rate is actualy quite good. i can also atest to countless threads about too small tanks, no qt, improper feeding, etc etc i think that the overwhelming number of fishes that die due to lack of consumer education (and it is their resposability not the lfs) is a far greater number than what dies between the catcher and your hands. as to coral i would think this is also the case. i think if every fish and coral that every consumer ever took home lived there would be no more wholesale business because there would be such a huge excess available to recycle so is the problem DEMAND from us or ??
I recently bought fish online from a wholesaler of sorts and it was crazy... They used he weather forecast to properly heat(or ice) a styrofoam container to keep it at optimum temp for the trip. i got them probably ~6 hours after they started packing. the fish werent even stressed in the bag :8 it was expensive but id rather spend more to make sure i get the fish the first time and not have to try 15 times to get the fish. I love my fish they are my little buddies. i get so sick when i see a litte guy dead in the tank at myLFS. i was at petsmart to get dog food and ended up with 12 neon tetras because i felt bad because the tank they were in was so small(i know theyre FW but still...)
Cool thing is the lfs I work at sells various captive bred clowns and hippo tangs amongst others. We take care the best we can and order from responsible wholesalers and some things from local breeders (discus angels the captive bread clowns and hippo tangs are also from a local breeder). This makes working there much more enjoyable!
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Is there any way to tell whether a fish/invert you are buying is really captive bred or wild caught? (from among species that can be either, obviously )
Is there any sort of organization for certifying, inspecting, issuing seals of approval?

MOFIB/MBI or meet the breeder yourself and check out his/her setup.
Pretty sure...he brings them in at the size a bit larger than a quarter.
find out if he can breed Peppermint Angels...I'll pay $1000 a piece for them!

BTW...I haven't heard of anyone ('local'/in the states) breeding hippo tangs
find out if he can breed Peppermint Angels...I'll pay $1000 a piece for them!

BTW...I haven't heard of anyone ('local'/in the states) breeding hippo tangs

I don't know how someone can mistake a dotty back for a hippo tank but this guy(me)

Yeah obviously not a hippo tang...sorry I've been researching them recently and my auto correct has grown accustomed... But the guy does clowns and I think what was a few dotty backs lol sorry...
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This is normal for all wholesalers...
and sadly the toss into the tank method is not as bad as you would think
the water they come in is low ph low o2 high ammonia.
short of a rapidly adding o2 and neutralizing the ammonia this sadly works.. esp when about half the bags arrive with no water ( but still live) fish.
Thanks for the post! reall good information. especially about when you buy corals that don't surive during or after shipping, good advice!
terrible story. I am very sad to hear that. It is the case that a very high rate of mortality occurs throughout the collection and distribution process.