"Best of" FO's (since we don't get TOTM's)

Here's some pics of my new 220 & it's habitants.


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That Emp looks huge and it's not done changing. How big is it? How long have you had it? By the way your emperor is beautiful, obviously well taken care of. Tim
nice 'shrooms blface - hopefully your fish won't eat them :) ..... my emporer has eaten nearly everything........ LOL..... good natural diet .... LOL

myerst2 - emperor is about the size of my hand....... his "change rate" has really slowed down lately...... dunno why..... not too worried - he's still "changing" and "growing"..... he's about 7"+ - I'm 5'9" tall and he is about the size of my hand when open palm flat...... he looks big it that first pic coz he was really close to the camera and the others weren't....... but he's a good size for his age - I've had him about 16 months..... he was about 3" maybe when I got him.

Thanks for the compliments.

I'm actually contimplating getting rid of the last few corals and the anemone & clowns - trade them back and get a few more "fish only" type fish...... dunno what..... maybe a small juv. queen angel...... but more likely a flame angel, and a couple of butterflies maybe...... always wanted a pair of semilarvatus...... also.... or maybe a falcula and a red back...... I won't get any "snail munchers" - they do a great job with the house cleaning so I don't want to ruin that...... and I like my anthias so a grouper or lion is out too...... really that lets more tangs, butterflies, dwarf angels, or maybe a larger angel. I like niger trggers and pink tails too..... but then there is the snail risk..... cross hatch is too expensive, blue chin too plain, sargassum too finiky


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Thats a really nice tank maro1 - you might us a few more details :)

What are the dimensions - roughly how big are the fish - and whats the stocking list........

I love the french angel - he's a beauty..... always wanted one of them...... I feel a little bit inspired ;)
Thanks. Sitting at night looking at in the darkened living room, it is amazing.

Stock list

French Angel About 8 - 9 inch body size

Annualaris angel

2 Yellow Tangs

Pink Tailed Trigger

Naso Tang 8"


2 Chromis

2 Clowns


1 Bangaiis

bicolor Psedochromis

Blue Linkia star

brittle star

A few corals that are tough enough.

This tank volume is 300 gallons (about 6' x 3' x 2') runs to the basement to a 100 gal refuguium/settling tank. Growing several types of algae

kept at 78 - 80 degrees Water changes 35 gallons bi-weekly
MRC skimmer. one of my problems is no algae. A little would be nice for some of the fish. I can't hardly keep weight on my Yellow Tangs and I feed a sheet of nori and lot of variety of other foods daily.

300 gallon still shots

300 gallon still shots



I am not so good with a camera. But here are some still shots.
Awsome tank Maro1. Some real beauties in there!

How long have you had the naso? Is he a good eater? I have had mine for about 6 months and he has really grown in size. Was about 4" when I got him and is now around 6" In fact he'll be passing up my sailfin soon who I have had around 4years.

The french looks a little weirded out in the video. Does he always act like that or is he just freaked out by the camera?

Also if you want algae try a brighter light and feed a little more. It looks like you only have light on about half your tank. On my 150g I have pc lights and still get plenty of algae for my 3 tangs as they are always picking at the rocks.
I have had the Naso for about 3 years.

The french is the boss in the tank and the hog when it comes to eating. Anytime he sees me he is at the glass begging. Others can approach the tank and he doesn't even respond.

I am thinking my refuge has virtually sucked all the plant food from the main tank thus no algae. But I am increasing my lighting see if that helps.

My 180 gallon

My 180 gallon

I put my Harlequin Tuskfish in my main display this past Monday after being in quarantine for 3 weeks. He's my first new addition to my 180 gallon. The other fish I have had for 14 months in my 90 gallon aquarium.







Yeah he's really good at hiding when he wants to. I just fed him that night so he's sleeping it off in the rock structure on the right.
Has he ever bothered fish? Do you think he would bother other eels? I haven't been able to find a goldentail of my liking and just emailed Just Rare Fish about the 12" specimen they have listed on their site. Haven't heard back from them yet, but am going to call them tomorrow or the next day if they don't return the email. I really want another eel for my 120 with a red coris and banded moray (16" about the size of equivalent snowflake.) Think that would work?
He doesn't bother other fish unless it's feeding time. He'll bother other eels if he wants their cave, though. Your banded eel just needs to be okay with surrendering his cave or sharing it. I don't know how the banded acts to judge if it could handle that (as my miliaris couldn't, but he was a really timid fish). JRF should get back to you soon. I got my dwarf and Brazilian from them, and both were good experiences.