"Best of" FO's (since we don't get TOTM's)

Here, clown giving a peek a boo at the 1:15 mark....display turned qt via copper power because I didn't qt a tomini tang.

don't have any FTS but here are some of my fish...the tank is a 220, and is only about half stocked.





I just want a tank with coraline growing in it, and maybe just 2 fish. All of you guys with that purple stuff growing are lucky/skilled!
The purp is about 5.5", maybe 5.75". It was about 2.5" last May/June.

Side note, people are funny at measuring fish. I can call a store and hear they have a 4.5-5" titan trigger!!! Get there and it is a 3.5" yellow margin. Same thing with most fish.

I was telling this to my coworkers at lunch and I asked them to measure one of those blackberry phone things that a girl had, one said about 3", one said 5", and I called 4.25". I'll be damned, two of its length were a perfect fit to the width of a piece of computer paper. I wish I had a talent for something more useful.....stocks, lottery, anything!
Wow that purple tang looks gorgeous! You have some really nice fish :). Are you counting the tail in the length, or just the body? I think that might be where a lot of people make different measurements on a fish.
I go from tip to tip. Thanks on the purp, was a steal when the lfs had about 20 of them for $39.99 each! The video isn't showing the undy's face with the spots instead of the lines, and the tail is the solid orange variation. The spikes don't have the large dark dot either. I first put it in a tank near a window and the orange is just as bright as my blueface's mask and tail. Very pretty undy. I had one before but something killed it....as in parasite, not harassment. This one is way different, always out in the open.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12413001#post12413001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by danorth
The purp is about 5.5", maybe 5.75". It was about 2.5" last May/June.

Very nice fish danorth - all of them, not just the purple tang.

Funny, I seem to have problems "growing" tangs. Mine just do not seem to be growing. I have:

Yellow tang (3-4") for about a year
Purple Tang (3-4") for about 9 months
Powder Blue Tang (3-4") for about 6 months
Naso tang (4+") for abotu 6 months

In that time, none of them seem to have noticably grown, except maybe the naso that has put on maybe 1/2".

I feed well, water quality is good - other fish have grown and done well. My emporer angel has more than doubled in size. He was abotu 3" juv. now he's a 6.5" (nearly) adult colours. I have had a lyretail anthias change from female to male, with colours that were better than a wild caught male........

I feed nori daily - I fee pellet food daily - and I feed frozen foods daily...... their colours are all good, their stomachs always look full (not fat, but nicely rounded and full) - there's no bullying in the tank, no disease, never so much as a split fin.......

But my tangs just don;t seem to grow - not as quickly as I would expect them to anyway!
Been a while since I've contributed any pics of my tanks. First is my 380g tank. It is FOWLR with a WIDE variety of tangs, triggers, wrasses, angels and others. There are no quarrels with any of them. I even have a large clown trigger and undulated that are very passive. Without further due...pics





Here are a couple pics of my plain ole 150g that has a volitan lion, partially blind porc puffer, XL yellow tang, XL chromis and some hermits:


Thanks mattsilvester. The only fish I have that doesn't seem to grow is my coris, still the same 12" that it came as almost 3 years ago. I really hope the clown trig keeps up the near 1.5 -2" a year pace.

That undulate in the video I posted got just as nasty as their reps paint them. It is in my huge 10 gallon sump right now. It took a piece out of my emp's tail, bigger piece from my coris's tail and that pretty purple tang almost lost its right eye. It was solid white and thick. It is almost back to normal now. Silly undys man. But now it just chills and goes from corner to corner around the skimmer. I did get a mantis and set up a 20 long and was thinking in dream land that the undy could go in there for a while, but it would certainly kill that mantis in an instant.

JMC looking great. You're going to have your hands full too if your fish grow fast. Any news on the queen? I remember you debating what to do with it, did you keep it? I am thinking you didn't with that lionfish in that tank.