Best tanks from around the world.

this 2 tanks should be on the TOTM, most of all the nonphotosintetic becouse we have time without seeing a setup like this one.



nice tanks.

The lighting on this tank is nothing short of fact it's absolutley the most realistic and clear lighting Ive seen (in so far as color "clarity" is concerened) there a build or other info for this tank..please!!
I just spent the last three hours reading this thread at work and have to say that this is the best thread I have read on reef central. I am going to make a collage of the tanks I loved when I get home for my desktop. What a great inspiration for all saltwater enthusiasts. Thanks so much to all of you who made this thread what it is. WOW!
Another Japanese tank:


Thanks for posting this has always been one of my favorites (even though it was an open system). It has all the hallmarks of a great disply:

1) no visual pollution like overflows, powerheads, corraline on the glass, piping, etc.

2) fantastic aquascaping with just right balance of filled vs. open space that gives the illusion of infinite depth.

3) no over crowding or overgrown corals to give that cramped look.

4) a pleasing color balance.

Just a remarkable display.....

This has got to be one of my favorites. I think it is one of the best done, most natural looking tanks ever.

My hat goes off to the creator.
here's one of my alltime favorites but i totally lost it in all my bookmarks. It's well overdue Paul Bruns aka reefkeeper2 representing Massachusetts USA. I know it's an older picture but i'm not sure he has an updated thread. I not only love the tank but the setting is also worth mentioning as one of the best i've ever seen!

Reefkeeper2- definitely your tank has been one of my favorites since I first saw it a year or 2 ago on YouTube
Stuart's tank is simply mind-blowing. Have been researching his tank for sometime and he has left nothing to chance. Simply an A plus effort on his part! Another tank that really catches my eye (although almost every tank on this thread is a head turner) is reef keepers. Not only is the tank and inhabitants fabulous but the sunroom around it creates a "getaway" right in his own home! Great job to all!:bounce3::bounce2::fish1::bounce2::bounce3: