Birds with my new Nikon D3100


New member
Just took up photography this fall and am loving it! Really like shooting wild birds. I got an entry level camera, it is the Nikon D3100. Came with a nikkor 18-55mm lens and I added a nikkor 55-300mm lens

These first 3 are a sequence.




White tailed Kite




American Kestrel


Northern Flicker


Red Tail Hawk


Sharp shinned Hawk


Thanks for looking!
Composition is great! Very nicely done! Just need to work on your exposure. On my screen anyway many of the shots have the highlights blown out (over-exposed). Keep snapping and sharing!
I loved those photos - How can you tell the dif btwn a white tailed kite and a Bald Eagle? or is that a Bald Eagle.
I have an 18-200, just not enough. The 300+ is on the wish list.
You live in a beautiful part of the country!
Thank you! There is no way to mistake a mature bald eagle for anything else. A juvinile could easily be mistaken for a golden eagle because they dont get their whit head/tail til adulthood, but they are still huge as juviniles. The white tailed kite looks a lot like a seagull at first glance, which is about 1/4 the size of a bald eagle. They hunt rodents so they are found in completely different environments, bald eagles are primarily fish eaters.

I have a decent grasp on IDing local birds here, but I always look them up before tagging a name to them.
Damn dude were do you live. I only see pigeons and crows an occasional owl. This is BA

:) :) Southern oregon.

Most places in America, if you spend a day in your car and a tank or 2 of gas, you can find some amazing wildlife.

I do live in a great area and I always carry my camera. I will stop to photograph anything (I like birds) I stopped to grab a burger at Sonic yesterday, pulled off nearby to eat it and there was a redtailed hawk on a wire. Pulled out the Nikon and walked over and started shooting when he flew.





Get out there and take your camera!