How can you tell when its safe to increase your light intensity?
If your corals show no signs of stress and fully opening. Most corals will react to light intensity quickly. If they open and close for three straight days you should be ready to increase. I increased 5% a week on all channels.
I have a 75gallon tank 48inch side to side X 18inch front to back wall X 20inch top to bottom and I keep my water level at the very top of my tank and like my lights 6inchs above for feeding. I have some shrimp , fish , crabs and corals and a sea anenome with 2-3 inch sand bed as for the coral I currently have star polyps and mushrooms 6inchs from bottom and duncal coral on sand bed .
What light should I go with I like a blueish tint and lunar cycling, storm, sunrise, sunset, and cloud features. Whats the warranty period and how much is the unit then to ship to 47804 in usa. I sent email to kiven hut he is out till the 8th
Anyone has any feed-back in SPSs tanks,using Malibu S leds?
Thank you
Hello again Gillguy and thank you for your help,
I have a tank 1500 L/650 W/600 H, full of SPSs mainly acroporas, so I suppose I would have to order Malibu 400 S, but I am not sure what optics to choose (90 ?, 60?); my idea is to place the fixture more or less 10 cm above water line.
Do you have an approximate idea what is the price for Malibu 400?
Do you have any recent photos of your tank?
Thank you once again for your support.
The light fixture has a one year warranty and the power supply has two years. The S300 fixture which is 48 inches is $298 plus shipping which will run about $90. For under $400 you get a fully controllable light with almost 300 watts.
so would you say its well worth it or should i go with reefbreeders photon 48? my lps is mostly on my sand bed i currently have 3 t5hos on it and its doing great, what intensity would you think would be equal 50% 75% 100% or is my setup stronger or weaker? i love the options but 4 months of use so far ? would you say that you think the unit is more then capable to last for many years(5 yrs like other brands suggest?)
wife would kill me if i spend money on it that (she says)"we dont really have to waste" if it doesn't outway the cost of a 4 t5ho unit, electric bill and replacement blubs
Troy I can only tell you that my corals are doing great. I've been in the hobby for many years with VHO, T5, Halides, and DIY leds. The Ledzeal unit appears to be well worth the price. Is it going to last for many years, time will tell. Sometimes you have to take risks or go with what works. I know Reefbreeders Evergrow units are good and have been tested for a long time but they too were new to the market at one time. I personally don't like their look, they are too bulky. As far as saving money, these lights run cool and if you have a chiller it probably won't turn on.Mine doesn't anymore. And comparing the intensity to T5, the lights at 75% are stronger than the T5
And I belive my final questions would be the timer is it 8 timer points per channel or 8 timer points and thats all. Like I would like to do blues and reds earlyer then whites then dime them up for sunrise and the slowly do the whites and then reverse at the end the do same for moon light at night ramp upblue a little and then down.
And it says lunar cycle do you know if it means just timed through the night or does it follow the monthly lunar cycle full moon new moon half moon ect?
Ill look on the web site but didnt what im looking for ill try again
You get 8 points per channel. I have mine set up that my white/blues come on first before my reds. Just make sure you set sequence 1 at 0% and sequence 8 at 0% I didnt do that when I first got mine and my lights never turned off.