Bought new led light fixture from China.

So I think I am ready to order my lights. I am planning to go with the two S120 fixtures with the below layout. Both fixtures will have the same layout, everything will be 90 deg optics except the red and green which will be 120.

Hopefully it will give me the coverage I need on the tank I mentioned above. If anyone has any comments or feed back I am open to your opinions based on the experience everyone has been having since their lights came in.

2 s120 with that layout will be great. 2.5:1 ratio it's plenty for growth 90 optics is good too
I pulled the trigger on one S400 with 60 degree lenses and custom layout. Hopefully it will be enough to cover the tank 72X36X36/30.
LED light panel RBR option 2.png
I'm looking at getting LEDs for my upgrade. Would these be sufficient for a 36" deep tank?

Pretty lost when it comes to which colours to go for also. Current tank is mainly LPS but going to have a crack at SPS with the new one.
I'm looking at getting LEDs for my upgrade. Would these be sufficient for a 36" deep tank?

Pretty lost when it comes to which colours to go for also. Current tank is mainly LPS but going to have a crack at SPS with the new one.

I will hope so. That's the reason why I ordered the S400 with 60 degree lenses.
I will hope so. That's the reason why I ordered the S400 with 60 degree lenses.

Lol, yeah I'd imagine you'll be hoping so, never read your post correctly, I thought it was 30" deep.

I've got 5 x 250w MH but the thought of the electric bill is killing me, bad enough just now in my 84" with 3MH.
Is a 36" but with the plenum makes it at around 30".
I used to have a standard 180. It had 3 - 400W MH + 2 160W VHO's. I have a similar setup for this tank and I may use it during winters to avoid the heaters be constantly on.

What's your thoughts on lighting a 120" x 24"w x 36"d tank with these?

Thanks Scott.

If you mean 120 inches you can use 2 s400 or 2 s300 if you place them higher than 12 inches above water. If you use the s300 go with 90 if you get the s400 then get 60 degree
If you mean 120 inches you can use 2 s400 or 2 s300 if you place them higher than 12 inches above water. If you use the s300 go with 90 if you get the s400 then get 60 degree

I was considering the 2 x S400's, and after reading through this thread, more than likely with the same light pattern as yourself. You said you didn't recommend the green and reds didn't you?
I was considering the 2 x S400's, and after reading through this thread, more than likely with the same light pattern as yourself. You said you didn't recommend the green and reds didn't you?

I have said that the green and red are not needed for coral growth only for color pop on fish and corals. If you get them make sure to use 120 degree optics so they can blend into the spectrum better.
Ricky I don't think one s400 is enough for 36 inches

I thought the same thing but for now it will do. I don't have any corals at the moment so all corals will grow with the lights. Once is full and or not getting enough light I'll buy the second one.

It also allows the LED market to continue to grow and hopefully settle on what is best for the corals.

Thanks Gillguy for all your input.
S150 Setup

S150 Setup

I just installed this 3 days ago and thought I'd post some pics. (Also, this is a fairly new tank, running about 1 month) So far I've found the "sunset mode" on the controller to be useless and have setup the DIY mode but may still need some adjustment. I have this 12" from the top of the water line, hanging from the ceiling. In the last photo I've cut the adjustment wire and crimped a new wire stop to clean the look up a bit. any advise/feedback would be great.

S150 Setup

S150 Setup

Here's my LED configuration, though i did have the red & green swapped to the middle of channel 4 instead of the ends as they are shown on this drawing. I should also note this configuration is Gillguy's, so thanks dude.

Thx Gilguy. Can you pm me your light schedule, I'm still playing with mine, would like a point of referenc to start with, really don't like preset sunrise timer that comes with the led zeal.
I just installed this 3 days ago and thought I'd post some pics. (Also, this is a fairly new tank, running about 1 month) So far I've found the "sunset mode" on the controller to be useless and have setup the DIY mode but may still need some adjustment. I have this 12" from the top of the water line, hanging from the ceiling. In the last photo I've cut the adjustment wire and crimped a new wire stop to clean the look up a bit. any advise/feedback would be great.

gorgeous little setup. nice aquascape. love the cabinet! 60s piece right? is that a custom cube?