Wow I can't believe I read/skimmed threw 18 pages. I give up, because every other page I think up a new question to asked. Too bad I didn't write them down since one question replaces another and then it's gone from memory.
Gillguy, a few questions before I forget. First off, I have a FOWLR that will eventually house mainly softies, LPS, and a few hardy SPS. Will a S300 hung 10" AWL with 90 optics work on a 60 x 18 x 24?
Are the channel assignment set and not customizable? Like keeping the 4 channels, but regrouping the LEDs.
Also, how is everyone make such nice Jpegs of their custom layouts? I have a few in mind that I would like your opinion on.
I am not gillguy but I will offer an opinion. The channels are set and cannot be changed unless the wiring was changed. I think the 300 would work I assume the 18 is front to back. The layout you have has way to much blue if you want a "slight blue" look. The gillguy layout is bluer than a 14 k metal halide which is what I used to use till I switched over and I had to get used to the bluer look.