Bought new led light fixture from China.

Great Gillguy, thanks. Did you agree with the 90 angle on the lenses?

If the lights will be under 10 inches from water line yes and 120 on red and green. If above 10 inches then you can use 60 optics for better penetration since your tank is 24 tall.

I will be mounting my S-120 @ 12" above the water line and Kevin has suggested to use all 120 optics. Not real sure on this, tank is 24x24 square. I was thinking 90 on all but the red, green and UV. I only have 1 each of the red and green and 2 of the UV, thinking of increasing the UV count to 4 total, just not sure.
Too many options
OK after some serious consideration this is what I believe to be my best combination on the S-120 fixture
L-1) 6pcs blue 460-470nm
6pcs royal blue 450nm

L-2) 10pcs white 12K

L-3) 4pcs blue 460-470nm
4pcs royal blue 450nm
2 UV 410-430nm

L-4) 2pcs white 12K
2pcs blue 460-470nm
2pcs royal blue 450nm
2pcs UV 410-430nm
1pc red
1pc green

Thats a total of 12 white 12 blue 10 royal 4 UV and the single red and green. It seems like a good mix to me but I welcome any input from you that are already have this fixture and are familiar with it. Still don't know about the optics but will probably just go with Kevin's recomendation and use the 120deg and purchase some additional 90deg version as well.

So, what do you guys think?
Hey Gillguy, as the OP have you given any thought to asking the moderators to move this thread over to the lighting, filtration and equipment forum? I bet it will get a lot more exposure and feed back.
When I first heard about this light my regular search channels all came back here and I was a bit surprised there is not much more general info or knowledge on LEDzeal products. I'm ready to pull the trigger soon but must admit I would be more comfortable knowing more about LEDzeal than what I have found so far.
After 2 weeks of waiting and back and forth emails I decided it wasnt worth the $75.00 savings for an unproven fixture so I just went ahead and ordered my original choice from a stateside vendor.
Hi ACK,...can I ask which company you were going through? After reading this thread,...I too am looking at a new fixture. Thanks in advance,---Rick
After 2 weeks of waiting and back and forth emails I decided it wasnt worth the $75.00 savings for an unproven fixture so I just went ahead and ordered my original choice from a stateside vendor.

Good luck with your new light. As far as Ledzeal unproven that's not true. Check back through many buyers on this thread. They are all satisfied. The product has been out over a year and many hobbiest are glad of the purchase. I'm not saying the product you bought is not good, it probably is but Ledzeal is very good and there are plenty out there that will verify it. Not only on this thread but in Europe's biggest thread too.
Hi ACK,...can I ask which company you were going through? After reading this thread,...I too am looking at a new fixture. Thanks in advance,---Rick
I was dealing with LEDZeal. Every response takes a min of 24 hrs to get a reply. I even made inquiries at 3;00AM our time which is 3:00PM in china yet did not get a response till the following day. Then there was some sort of a holiday which I patiently waited through. All in all I just did not feel the savings on a comparable name brand fixture was worth all the hassle and had some concerns on if there was a problem then repairs and or warranty items could turn into a major problem.

Good luck with your new light. As far as Ledzeal unproven that's not true. Check back through many buyers on this thread. They are all satisfied. The product has been out over a year and many hobbiest are glad of the purchase. I'm not saying the product you bought is not good, it probably is but Ledzeal is very good and there are plenty out there that will verify it. Not only on this thread but in Europe's biggest thread too.

When I first heard about this light my regular search channels all came back here and I was a bit surprised there is not much more general info or knowledge on LEDzeal products. I'm ready to pull the trigger soon but must admit I would be more comfortable knowing more about LEDzeal than what I have found so far.

My quote pretty much sums up how much info is really out there (that I was able to find) on the LEDZeal products and as also stated I just did not feel comfortable with the available info I was able to find. In this hobby if people find a truly good product there is info everywhere on that product, and in a years time I would expect to see much more about LEDZeal .
LEDZeal might just be a great a fixture but for me the savings just didnt cover the name brand support I will have if I encounter any problems, not that expect any but I know the support is there if needed.
I am not real sure what more a guy needs other than the personal expriences of fellow reefers to give feedback on a product. I don't know how many times I have tried these mainstream products only to be disappointed in the end. I seriously doubt any company is giving much better support than Ledzeal. I had issues with the cord length for my particular setup. Kevin had their tech guy special make me a cord and sent them out. I have personally chatted back and forth with Kevin multiple times a day. They do seem to have more holidays than we do but that is part of dealing with another country.There are so many led systems out there that don't have real track records and even the likes of kessil started out unproven.I looked at all the big name leds before I purchased these and I just did not like their prices. What you get to pay for is all their advertising and their blown up hype.All the leds are subject to issues. Led zeal is (or was) a big chance to take especially for gillguy that bought the first that I know of. But I think the guys on here myself included have more than proved their worth, But I also understand not all people want to take the leap and deal with overseas companies.

The lack of complaints from guys that own these should tell it all. If people were unhappy they would be on here . I guarantee that!
Hi ACK,...can I ask which company you were going through? After reading this thread,...I too am looking at a new fixture. Thanks in advance,---Rick

I went with the Maxspect Razor. It was my original choice and feel it will meet my specific needs perfectly in both function and form.

I am not real sure what more a guy needs other than the personal expriences of fellow reefers to give feedback on a product. I don't know how many times I have tried these mainstream products only to be disappointed in the end. I seriously doubt any company is giving much better support than Ledzeal. I had issues with the cord length for my particular setup. Kevin had their tech guy special make me a cord and sent them out. I have personally chatted back and forth with Kevin multiple times a day. They do seem to have more holidays than we do but that is part of dealing with another country.There are so many led systems out there that don't have real track records and even the likes of kessil started out unproven.I looked at all the big name leds before I purchased these and I just did not like their prices. What you get to pay for is all their advertising and their blown up hype.All the leds are subject to issues. Led zeal is (or was) a big chance to take especially for gillguy that bought the first that I know of. But I think the guys on here myself included have more than proved their worth, But I also understand not all people want to take the leap and deal with overseas companies.

The lack of complaints from guys that own these should tell it all. If people were unhappy they would be on here . I guarantee that!

Unfortunately for me, I was not able to "personally chatted back and forth with Kevin multiple times a day.", otherwise I probably would have ordered from them. Believe me, it was not for lack of trying.

Anyway, It was my personal choice and one that I feel is best for me.
Glad you were able to find what you were looking for. The Maxpects are great lights but they were too expensive for my me as I needed several units for my setup.

To your point, I do find it odd that hardly anyone really posts pictures of before and after of their corals, but that does not mean that they don't work. All of my corals show some growth on them and this even after battling GHA and Cyano for a while. Now that my tank is more stable I should see better growth.

I have 2 5ft units and I really like that I have only 3 cables to manage. (2 power and 1 control for both units).
I totally get that. Saving a few dollars (not that 75 is a few) on a single fixture becomes far more relevant when your talking about using multiple fixtures.
A sea K, which unit are you looking at for each brand? I was originally looking at Maxspect razors, but the 46" unit is like $800-900. I haven't contacted LEDzeal yet, but from reading through this thread, the S300 is somewhere around half of that.
A sea K, which unit are you looking at for each brand? I was originally looking at Maxspect razors, but the 46" unit is like $800-900. I haven't contacted LEDzeal yet, but from reading through this thread, the S300 is somewhere around half of that.

Malibu S-120 and the Maxspect 20" 120 watt fixture.
I never priced the larger fixtures but the smaller ones are fairly close.
I'm thinking of buying the big model tonight for my 215 gal tank. Kevin responded to me and even followed up with good info. To grow both sps and Lps in a deep tank this light is capable? Only got fish but adding coral soon as I get a light to maintain them.
The light is capable of growing corals even in a deep tank.
I have a small piece of green birdsnest SPS that broke off and ended up in a rock at the bottom of the tank. This piece is 24" under water and is growing nicely.
