Brian's 270 Starphire

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15373099#post15373099 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tony Romano
Looking good Brian, wish I was close enough to see in person.

Thanks Tony!
I would of hated to seen the bill for that order as I used scheduled 80 my tank as well :eek1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15376587#post15376587 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mpoletti
I would of hated to seen the bill for that order as I used scheduled 80 my tank as well :eek1:

Any reason you went with schedule 80 besides looks?
Brian, great build you have going on here. Everything looks to be top shelf so this is going to be a killer set-up when it's completed. I hear that Miracles tanks are really nice. Tagging along.:wave:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15377192#post15377192 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gondore
Any reason you went with schedule 80 besides looks?

Nope :p
Actually 80 is slick and does not seem to hold dust like 40, thus less dust in sump. (work with me here) Dust in sump would add to detritus in tank, right ? Soooo the is a real reason besides it looks cool as can be!
Mark no need, I would love to hear too.

As for the bill, let just say I could of had a few nice fish for that order. The pipe is gray sch 40. Why? for the look more than anything. I don't care to much for white pipe, JMO.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15377276#post15377276 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Brian, great build you have going on here. Everything looks to be top shelf so this is going to be a killer set-up when it's completed. I hear that Miracles tanks are really nice. Tagging along.:wave:

Thanks Dan! THe choice of tank was between AGE and Miracles, after seeing each in person and seeing the price, Miracles was my choice. BTW your tank looks great.
Well today was a long day already. A god friend, Nick (mayran) stopped over to help me finish the laminate. I have to say it came out better than I thought it would, IMO :). I'll let you judge for yourself.

First we need to fix a few corners to prep for the laminate. Mainly this one.


I use a product called duraglass, which is a fiber glass car filler. It a two part solution that heat up and hardens. It get hard quick too.


To prep I drill a few hole so that the duraglass would would have a better bond with the wood.


...and than added the duraglass with all the seams taped off.


I forgot the finished picture, but it was sanded with 40 grit and it came out great.
After a lot of sanding the stand face and canopy was ready for laminate. If you haven't done laminate before, which this was my first time both the back of the laminate and the wood gets glued. The glue needs 15min to dry and it's a one time deal once the laminate touches the wood.

The laminate needs to be cut about an inch bigger all around. After that it gets routed .


Nick hard at work :D.

.... and the finished produce. Almost I need to finish the doors.





A BIG THANKS to Nick for taking the time to help me :D !
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15381381#post15381381 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tanglovers
Looks like a very productive day. I will be sure to check it out when I am over tomorrow!

We did get alot finished and today was an other productive day day as you know. :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15382236#post15382236 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Great job Brian and good progress. The lamiate looks fantastic.

Thanks, still need to clean some glue off the laminate but it looks like it going to come out good.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15382464#post15382464 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FiSHy sAy HeY
This is gonna be sick when its all filled up

Thanks, I hope ;)
Very nice Brian. What are the odds of the laminate peeling away because of moisture. I am not very knowledgeable with laminate product. Thanks