Bubble King Skimmer Club

Are you positive? Cuz I read the data sheet and the 180 is 270mm by 260mm, which means it wont fit.

I have an Elos 120 (90 gallons) with 25g sump, I know the 160 should fit but it is kinda on the small side for my system being it is rated for 50-120 gallons. I really want to over skim, my SRO right now is rated at 200 gallons so I would really want to keep it in the ballpark.
Over skim = Having a skimmer that's not appropriately sized for your system and will give lackluster performance.

I can't stress my above statement enough. Pick a skimmer that is sized appropriately for your system and you'll be so much happier with the performance than going with a skimmer that is too large diameter on both the body and the neck for the water volume it's on.

For your size system I would stick with a 6" body skimmer. If you want to go larger, a 7" body is the absolute max that I would suggest going with. In the Royal-Exclusiv line this would be the Mini 160, Mini 180, or the Double Cone 180. I would not suggest going to any of the 8" body skimmers, although it sounds like you might be running one now. A 6" or 7" body would give even better performance in my opinion.

Now having said all of that, yes, I am 100% sure that the Mini 180 would fit in the footprint I listed above. It's sitting next to my desk right now with the measurements I just took for you. :)
I will add from my experience Bubble King is one of the only companies that size their skimmers correctly. What i mean is if they say it will do a 120 gallon system it will, many companies tell you their skimmers will do a much larger system than they will really do. Also if you go to big on a BK it will skim but not on a consistent basis. In my opinion, they are the best skimmer I have owned.
I joined the club:

First, big props to Jeremy at Premium for patiently answering my questions and helping me pick a skimmer for my 400 gallon system.

This was a fantastic gift from my daughter and wife for father's day:

Within minutes of being setup:

Less then 24 hours later:

Jeremy I shot you a pm buddy. I am looking for a skimmer for a 240 gallon tank with an additional 70 gallons in the sump.
Thanks buddy

Ya Jeremy is very professional thanks again for coming over to ca reef to sort a few things out man. You do go above and beyond.
I am debating changing my deltec for a bubble king. My system is a 370g system. What BK should I be looking at?

This is just my own personal opinion here, but anything less than 450g - 500g range I like the 250 models. I think they just perform a little better in that volume range than what the 300's do. I like the 300 models from 500g+. Again, just my opinion of course, but I'd take a look at the following:

Double Cone 250 w/RD3 Speedy DC Pump
Super Marin 250 w/RDI Pump
BK mini 200 1st gen airflow

BK mini 200 1st gen airflow

Dear all,

I have a BK mini 200 1st gen in my store and just started using it... I tried looking up a manual for it online but it doesnt seem to help me on how I can regulate the air intake of this monster =..=

I realised the bubbles get more intense when I close the air hole (at the top of the water level notch) and therefore will like to reduce air intake.

Thanks in advance
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Dear all,

I have a BK mini 200 1st gen in my store and just started using it... I tried looking up a manual for it online but it doesnt seem to help me on how I can regulate the air intake of this monster =..=

I realised the bubbles get more intense when I close the air hole (at the top of the water level notch) and therefore will like to reduce air intake.

Thanks in advance

The air intake on these skimmers should not be restricted at all, let them run wide open.
Thanks :S

I guess the problem is maintaining the water level in the sump tank so it hits the 22cm requirement for the skimmer... gosh.. is this a design flaaw? :facepalm:
Thanks :S

I guess the problem is maintaining the water level in the sump tank so it hits the 22cm requirement for the skimmer... gosh.. is this a design flaaw? :facepalm:

It's not a design flaw sound like you need an ato to keep your sump level consistent