BUILDING A DREAM....SPS Dominated Tank build

SIAM Ocean Reactor...

The Reactor with GAC, ready to get plumpbed into the sump.... Test shots with my new camera...looks better or NOOOT? :D



Had done a water change about 3 days ago. Seems there is a marginal Alk swing and 2 frags which were keeping good colour are goin brown. Rest still keeping colours. Hope they recover. I'm not adding anything to feed my corals. Just frozen mysis and flakes for the fishes, small quantities twice a day. Is this happening coz of low nutrients, and the SPS can't hold up to a mild Alk swing?
Nice pics and reactor!

Good luck correcting the Alk swing, wish I could give you some advice on the matter.

Hiya Juan,

Thanks for the compliment. The Reactor is very well built.
Thanks for the good luck wish :) things in our hobby can never be taken for granted and needs a look out constantly when keeping sensitive livestock. All part of the game you win some and you lose some :(
I'm always welcome to any suggestions :) anything comes in your mind do tell.
Thanks for tagging along :)
Had done a water change about 3 days ago. Seems there is a marginal Alk swing and 2 frags which were keeping good colour are goin brown. Rest still keeping colours. Hope they recover. I'm not adding anything to feed my corals. Just frozen mysis and flakes for the fishes, small quantities twice a day. Is this happening coz of low nutrients, and the SPS can't hold up to a mild Alk swing?

Setup looks great, man!
When it comes to browning in SPS look at nutrients or lighting, however Alk swings is a definite culprit.
Will be following along closely.:)
Setup looks great, man!
When it comes to browning in SPS look at nutrients or lighting, however Alk swings is a definite culprit.
Will be following along closely.:)

Hey thanks a lot!!
A compliment from ya is really a big plus and confidence booster for me. Hoping I can do justice and make my reef something spectacular as your build.
Hm nutrients seem to be in control.
Lighting and Alk seems to be a culprit. I guess it could be also coz of the instability when I had installed my new sump. I'm keepin an eye on my parameters, and hoping for some good luck.
I'm dosing 5ml 2 part every 3rd day and 10ml Mg 2x a week.
Started up my new carbon reactor. But haven't changed my GFO yet as PO4 seems to be in the low ranges. I am actually planning to discontinue the GFO in a couple of months time, coz I'm dosing Prodibio.
So that's the jist of it.
What ya'all say about it?

Thanks a lot again for viewing and appreciate your comments
Coral Update...

The new additions...One week in DT and holding colour...:)

Trying out the new camera...hope they are better than the old ones :)





THose pics are MUCH better man. Again, try to zoom in to what you want to be in focus and slowly bring it out til everything is in view that you want but your object is in good focus. This is pointless if you dont have a good way of viewing before taking the pic so if you have a dinky little low MP viewfinder or lcd then nevermind. Take a bunch of pics with different focuses and throw out the ones that arent in focus. Thats what makes SLR's so nice, what you see is what you get!
THose pics are MUCH better man. Again, try to zoom in to what you want to be in focus and slowly bring it out til everything is in view that you want but your object is in good focus. This is pointless if you dont have a good way of viewing before taking the pic so if you have a dinky little low MP viewfinder or lcd then nevermind. Take a bunch of pics with different focuses and throw out the ones that arent in focus. Thats what makes SLR's so nice, what you see is what you get!

Hi Chris....i feel i am improving in my photography skills...though at snails pace :D
The LCD Screen is 7.5cm LCD (921,600 pixels)...I am using the 18-55mm lens for the pics. The pan cake lens 16mm is not good for close ups..better suited for the everyday outdoor shots. The other pics i take are coming very nice, but when it comes to the tank pics its bit more daunting...but il get some pics up today....

This is what the LCD looks like...


Toys Update...

A new Refractometer and a fan for the sump cabinet to get some air circulation going in the cabinet...


And yeah, I took the VORTECH plunge...MP40 it is :)
The word "Revolutionary" on the packaging reminds me of Mr. Steve Jobs, and this pump the iPhone of the aquarium world.

