New member
Me too buddy! Wish I could have 10 on my 45! Make it a hotub!
Ok reserve a corner for me in tha "Votech Tub"

10 of them...whoa :uhoh3: il need my life jacket then

Me too buddy! Wish I could have 10 on my 45! Make it a hotub!
You need to turn the volume down on that sucker, very nice color noob.
hahha it hurts my eyes
Nice score my man! Ive had better luck keeping mine out of direct light and feeding it often. Just hit it with mysis when you feed your sun corals. Then wack the skrimp away from them til they swallow it. Greedy little buggers. I sure miss mine...
Its too bad I dont still have this,
I use to defend him with tongs from the shrimp aswell!!
Very cool, I haven't seen my pistol shrimp since I transferred tanks. Wonder if he's still in there.
again man, nice score! I love shrimp/goby pairs. I added a shrimp awhile back but he never found or cared to find my watchman goby. I have a yellow watchman/pistol pair in my first reef and they were my main attraction. I spent more time watching the underside of the tanks vietkong tunnel system than the tank itself! They were a blast. Only issue is the piles of sand that will end up in and against all your lps on the sand...good luck with that.
Ive seen other peoples pistol shrimp out and about all day long. I always thought they were really cool to watch. Mine only ever came out at night, maybe it has something to do with the goby that makes them more brave.