Calling all Centropyge keepers: Longevity of Centropyge angels in captivity


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I like to have a clear idea of the longevity of Centropyge angels in captivity. If all Centropyge owners participates we can easily get an accurate answer to this question. Please help by answer the following questions:

1. What species of Centropyge?
2. What was/is the longest time you had/have your oldest/longest Centropyge angel?
3. Is he still alive?
4. If he passed, what happen? or best guess at the cause.

My answers:
1. Centropyge loricula, the Flame Angel
2. 5 years
3. No
4. Killed in tank crash from Hurricane Harvey
I actually found some old logs about this and have kept the following in captivity for over 10 years:

Centropyge bispinosa
Centropyge loricula
Centropyge vroliki
Centropyge tibicin
Centropyge bicolor
Centropyge flavissima
Centropyge acanthops

^^ Disclaimer: Some of those are from my personal collection, some went into clients' tanks.
I actually found some old logs about this and have kept the following in captivity for over 10 years:

Centropyge bispinosa
Centropyge loricula
Centropyge vroliki
Centropyge tibicin
Centropyge bicolor
Centropyge flavissima
Centropyge acanthops

^^ Disclaimer: Some of those are from my personal collection, some went into clients' tanks.
Thanks. My research indicates that 10 years, maybe a little more seem to be the upper limit of Centropyge longevity in captivity. Hope there are more people chime in. This information would be great to know.
There was a study (dissertation) done on angelfish longevity in the wild. The examined species were C. loricula (8 years), C. bicolor (18 years), and P. sexstriatus (up to 60 years). Female maximum ages were lower than those of males.
In captivity the fish might get older as geriatric fish are less likely to fall prey.
I will provide the link to the study later.

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I hope more people would participate. It information is very important IMO, however, I am biased because I really love my angels.
Have you tried a Google Scholar search? That's where I usually find the best information to any given topic.

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BTW, there is a correlation between maximum size and longevity. And growth rate may also play a role.

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The following is a picture of my three flames. I believe the male was ten when he passed? I am trying to find documentation proving that. Back in 2005 I had access to the company digital camera. Today I take pictures all day long with my phone. My wife picked it out at at store that later Louis bought out and renamed it Elegant Reef then moved to Nakoma and 281. Why did he pass? I bought a Blueface Angel from DD, had it in QT for a week. It was doing so well I moved him into the main tank. A week later he was dead, another week most of the fish in the tank died including the two regals pictured here. Surprisingly the female Flames lived. Which I thought the larger one would of become the male leaving the smaller the female. Instead the larger female killed the smaller one, and was so mean I had to trade it to the fish store and start over. I will contact Louis today to get more info to correct or confirm the ten years? I just confirmed with Louis about when he took over which was around 04-05, which ages the Flame at 10 to 11 years when it passed.


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I’d be especially curious to know how long the Flameback lived. [MENTION=292535]HumbleFish[/MENTION].

As for this thread, I really hope more people join in!
[MENTION=328903]ThRoewer[/MENTION] The article does not mention specifically how long each type of Centropyge angel lives for. What are your personal experiences with their lifespan?
I'd be especially curious to know how long the Flameback lived. [MENTION=292535]HumbleFish[/MENTION].

That one was a little over 11 years. I lost it shortly after transferring into a "big boy tank" with more aggressive large angels. The Flameback had become too aggressive towards other Centropyge in a smaller system.
That one was a little over 11 years. I lost it shortly after transferring into a "big boy tank" with more aggressive large angels. The Flameback had become too aggressive towards other Centropyge in a smaller system.

Pretty darn good. Did it die of old age or did it die of something else? And how long did you manage to keep the larger dwarf angels?

You told me you've kept a Flame for 15 years and it's still alive, correct me if I'm wrong.
The following is a picture of my three flames. I believe the male was ten when he passed? I am trying to find documentation proving that. Back in 2005 I had access to the company digital camera. Today I take pictures all day long with my phone. My wife picked it out at at store that later Louis bought out and renamed it Elegant Reef then moved to Nakoma and 281. Why did he pass? I bought a Blueface Angel from DD, had it in QT for a week. It was doing so well I moved him into the main tank. A week later he was dead, another week most of the fish in the tank died including the two regals pictured here. Surprisingly the female Flames lived. Which I thought the larger one would of become the male leaving the smaller the female. Instead the larger female killed the smaller one, and was so mean I had to trade it to the fish store and start over. I will contact Louis today to get more info to correct or confirm the ten years? I just confirmed with Louis about when he took over which was around 04-05, which ages the Flame at 10 to 11 years when it passed.

Nice. What did the Blueface Angel do to kill the male Flame angel and most of the other fish? Also, Arab the females still alive today and how old would they be?
Zionas I believe the blueface had velvet or some other disease? And Minh the regals shown also died along with male flame.