Calling all Centropyge keepers: Longevity of Centropyge angels in captivity


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<article class="message-body js-selectToQuote" id="js-XFUniqueId33"> I like to have a clear idea of the longevity of Centropyge angels in captivity. If all Centropyge owners paticipates we can easily get an accurate answer to this question. Please help by answer the following questions:

1. What species of Centropyge?
2. What was/is the longest time you had/have your oldest/longest Centropyge angel?
3. Is he still alive?
4. If he passed, what happen? or best guess at the cause.

My answers:
1. Centropyge loricula, the Flame Angel
2. 5 years
3. No
4. Killed in tank crash from Hurricane Harvey

I might agree with that, it seems to me that the fish was first described as Holacanthus arcuatus, but as you mention it seems to have similarities to C. colini and C. narcosis. There have been rumors for years that Centropyge will be 'divided', C. Tibicen's group shows itself to be the original dwarf angelfish forever