calling all gracilaria keepersI


New member
ok i just got some green n red gracilaria,the LFS said it needs alot of water movement ,to keep it tumbling this true and if so what are you using to keep moving around.i have one of my drain outlets form my main tank going in there and tried it ,not much movement.put in a power head and it sucks it up the intake and suggestions?
i've had some trouble getting it to grow at all (the red kind). i find it at high tide floating in waist-deep water. it's very full and a deep, bright red. However when it's in my refugium, it just seems to slowly die. I've used high flow and low flow. i've added iron and fed the tank light and heavy. i dont know :( maybe i just dont have the nutrients in the tank (which i guess is a good thing?!)

But, if you dont want it to get sucked up into the powerhead, just stick a piece of eggcrate a few inches in front of the intake. works like a charm.
I got what I think is red gracilaria between my egg crate and back wall (about 3"). Seems to be doing fine and spreading.

tank is standard 4' wide 55g.

the egg crate is my in tank refug. Just simply crammed in there about 4" in front of the back glass. I have 2- 4' utility fixtures with 2-3400 lumen(not k) daylight bulbs/fixture about 4" behind the back glass and pointed directly forward at the plants between the egg crate and back glass. Actually all the macros seem to be doing fine in there.:D
I had it in my main start dying off but some survive and thrive.....and starting to grow. It's on my main tank bottom, low low flow and not much of light. Since i only have a 120 watt 2 50/50. Only have lights on 12 hr a day...hope it helps.
hmm, i jammed mine in between mangrove roots in my 'fuge & its been doing great there have to prune it every coupla weeks for a few years... plenty of light & nutrients & current...
I use two powerheads in my fuge w/ graciliara- One pushing the top to the right, bottom to the left-

Imagine a washing machine of algae, and that's about it.
I have had red, gold and green all from Indo-Pacific. Green grows fastest, at least in my fuge's conditions. (PC lighting, 3 watts/gallon)