Can I spot feed Crocea with phyto plankton?


New member
The Crocea I bought is about 3" long and supposed to be self-sustainable. But until I re-work my rock-work to get him much higher to the lights, I would like to know how I should feed the phytoplanton?

Should I just dump a capful in the tank, use a turkey baster to spot-feed, or something else?
It will be fine for a few days with low light. I wouldn't try feeding it in fear of lowering the tanks water quality, which is more important then the lighting in the first few days of acclimation.
You cant target feed clams, their filtering apparatus(also gills) will get clogged and it will cough out everything that went in and close up. Just dump a cupful in the tank
I'm another that has never fed my Tridacna clams. I do blast my live rock with a turkey baster at least once a week. I'm not sure if that helps feed them but, they are growing.