Canon XSi + Sigma 50mm macro


New member
Well I have an older Sigma 50mm macro lens, that apparently only works on my XSi at F/2.8... If i try to change it, i get an error saying the contacts need cleaned (which I have done)

But I recently moved my 75g aquarium to a 55 for the time being. I just moved and it's a smaller place.
Anyway, here are a couple of pics of some new fish I just got, and 1 coral. :thumbsup:




Pretty nice shots. What type of lights do you have? Do you do anything to the picture afterward to make it appear darker?
I have a Current Nova Extreme Pro (6) T-5 light. I did do a bit of PP just basically cloning out some moving particles and boosting the contrast a bit. On the really dark on of the firefish, in the bottom left of the pic there was some pink I cloned out. I just used a fast shutter speed so they came out kind of darker.

Shot in manual mode, handheld.
Nice shots! A bit underexposed but perhaps you might want to boost exposure in pp or use a slightly slower shutter speed.