Caught in the act! False Percula starting to host in Condy anemone.


New member
I haven't posted here in years and I'm not really up on my Clownfish or anemone knowledge. But here's the story:

I had this clown with a Bubble Tip anemone, and I guess the anemone was a bit too small for him because it died after a few months. This condy was my very first anemone and has been in my tank for many years. After the BTA died, the clown decided to live amongst the mushrooms about six inches away from the Condy. This went on for over TWO years, until tonight. I just happened to look over at my tank and saw this!

If memory serves me right, there was always debate on whether or not Percula/FP clowns will host in a Condy, and I never saw proof until tonight. I have always read that they are from two different oceans, and the Condy sting is pretty strong and would burn the poor clown. Of course I did all my research years ago, before people started posting all kinds of vids on YouTube, so a lot could have changed. I also see that someone else captured it on vid as well.

Apparently he's building up/built up a resistance to it? If this works out, it'll make my day! :spin2:

Comments, insight? Is this rare? I'll try to keep you updated.
It does happen (not often). Sometimes things go well, sometimes not so well. There have been Condys that ate the clownfish.
It happens, albeit infrequently. A clown's attraction to anemones is so strong that it will sometimes cause it to go to invertebrates that actually end up killing it. (I'm referring in this case more to inverts like giant mushrooms which are notorious clown eaters)

Understand that in the wild, if a clown does not find a host anemone, it dies. Clowns are not found away from anemones on the reef - ever.