cFloor's 190g

Ooooohhhh they're pretty little guys. I now need a Lunate fairy wrasse :beer:
It's hard to tell from my crappy pics, but the body on the wrasse is super bright! And with the black fins, it's just an amazing contrast. I wasn't looking for this fish, but was glad I stumbled across it. And the angel, I think will look really cool in the tank amongst all the other colorful fish. I really want to find another in hopes one will turn male.
Beautiful fish. Good luck with them.
Much appreciated, thank you
A few posts back, I said I was done adding fish. I should have known I was lying as I typed that. Lunate fairy wrasse and Red Sea Genicanthus into QT

Hahaha..., I did the same thing. :lmao:

BTW, great addition. Hope they do well !!! :beer:
Here's a cell phone FTS on 6/26/15 I moved a couple things around and added a couple corals from my frag tank. The pink table on the right wasn't doing too well, and I'm really hoping it recovers in my DT. I'm thinking more flow and better lighting will do the trick.
I love this scape, the coral placement, the colors, the whole shebang! What a beautiful display, I love that table in the bottom right, beautiful color!
That's looks bloody awesome mate! :beer:

Yeah.. What he said!
Really nice balance going on right now.

I love this scape, the coral placement, the colors, the whole shebang! What a beautiful display, I love that table in the bottom right, beautiful color!

Wow! The colors are spectacular! Crossing my fingers for you on the pink table!

What is the echinata like coral on the left side, in the middle?
Below the big green stag.
Love it!


Thank you everyone for the kind words. Most everything is back to where it was in my last tank. It's weird, some corals look better than ever, like the dragon type acro in the top right, while a couple others don't look too good still. In particular, my pearlberry frag, which hasn't grown at all in a year and is still a light shade of brown. It also seems like things are reacting well to the color elements I've been dosing.

reefmutt- I bought that coral as a $5 frag a couple years ago. It looks almost like the ice and fire echinata. It has shades of green and light blue. It turned out to be a really nice piece and it's a fast grower. I've fragged it many times.
Looks wonderful mate, the fish are very cool. It's a big bucket of color :thumbsup:


The cyano stage is depressing Ryan lol, i had one a few months after moving everything into the peninsula. :uhoh3:
Simply amazing mate! You have one stunning reef to say the least :)
Thanks so much Wrangly.
I'm going through that hideous cyano stage atm
Oh boy, not fun. Hope you get through it quickly!
Looks wonderful mate, the fish are very cool. It's a big bucket of color :thumbsup:

Thanks buddy, it's slowly getting there. I just can't seem to color up a couple of my pieces. and I REALLY need to stop buying fish. I'm maxed out, lol

The cyano stage is depressing Ryan lol, i had one a few months after moving everything into the peninsula. :uhoh3:

Going to chime in to say how awesome it looks! Those big colonies are just amazing, something to be really proud of.
Much appreciated markalot, thank you. It seems like just yesterday they were all tiny frags. In another year or so, I'm hoping it will be close to where I want it.
There's a fish bare spot top left in that last FTS so i'm pretty sure you could add one more...............:lol2:

Have the pieces that won't color up been colorful previously or known colorful aqua cultured pieces.
haha, you're right biggles! Maybe I can squeeze in a blotched anthias??
I have 3 frags that are just looking crappy. One, is a pearlberry which hasn't grown or colored up at all in the year or so I've had it. Granted it has gone through a lot of changes but while other corals are looking alright, it hasn't improved at all. I also have a pink mille and a teal colored stag that have shown glimpses of color, but then go back to brown. I believe both of these frags were cut from wild colonies but I'm not sure.