Check out this tank


Premium Member
I have an couple cool installations coming up and I thought some of you might be interested in seeing them. Here is the first...

It is a weird shaped tank. It has a 45 degree bend in the middle and both ends terminate in 45 degree angles as well. There are two large overflows in it. dimensions are about 120"x24"x30". I figure it will hold about 360 gallons. I am taking it to the job site in a couple weeks.

The other tank is a 48x48x36 cube. There have been several posts about cubes lately so when I get it uncrated I will post pictures of it also.

Both tanks are starfire glass.

As I move along on these tanks I will post updates of them. Both are going to be reefs with halides, ca reactors, refugiums, sea swirls, and Aquacontrollers.
here is another view. It is hard to see the details but I will post more when they are unwrapped and when I place the tank on the stand
Im mounting it on a stand that countours the wall with cabinets above and below that will go to the ceiling. It is in the entry of a house overlooking the ocean on a cliff about 50 feet from the water.
Reviving an old thread here. I sat on these two tanks for 6 months. Here is a pic of the starphire cube that I finally finished installing (almost). I just put in the first few corals the other day. The tank is 48x48x36. There is a 75 gallon sump/refugium with an ASM G4, precision marine calcium reactor, 2 36" acrolights with a total of 4 250 DE bulbs on icecap electronic ballasts and 4 36" vho act (the 48" wouldn't fit), main pump is a AM3K and circulating pump is a Mag 24. I still have to add the two seaswirls and the aquacontroller. THis tank should be alot of fun as it develops. I will post more pics when I get them on the web. The pics of the tank that started the thread got lost so I will take more next week and get them up. It is coming along really nicely (and slowly). The mohagany cabinetry is done and we are just waiting for the wood floors to finish before we get it running. Plumbing is almost done. The tank and house will be incredible.
the other tank is more interesting looking but I must have erased the pictures on accident...I just took a ton of them.
ahah. I found some. This is after the cabinet facing was put on and the tank is draped to keep the dust and stuff out. The tank itself has paper over it to protect it but you can get a feeling of how it sits. The paper is off now but I don't have any pictures of that that I can find. I will retake them and post next week.
man that cube tank is awesome!!!!!!!! keep updating as often as poss. pls i like the rock work. once you get more corals that is going to be one bad tank .. have you set up your other tank?