Chrisq0904's upgrade build thread

Today I am going to pull out my old filtration system which is a wet/dry and I'm going to replace it with a 20L sump with refugium. I'm going to disconnect the main pump and keep the powerheads running so the tank has flow. Still need to plan my plumbing out before I get started.

So far I took apart the front of my stand. Will post updates later when I'm done. I want to try and get this done as fast as possible.
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Well things went pretty smooth with the switch. I have everything set up and running. Pretty happy with how it turned out. Let's see how things are a few weeks from now.


I'm thinking of running my light 24 hrs for the refugium.
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Well things went pretty smooth with the switch. I have everything set up and running. Pretty happy with how it turned out. Let's see how things are a few weeks from now.


I'm thinking of running my light 24 hrs for the refugium.

Looks Great! take lots of pics, this is the cleanest it will ever look ;)
Well things went pretty smooth with the switch. I have everything set up and running. Pretty happy with how it turned out. Let's see how things are a few weeks from now.


I'm thinking of running my light 24 hrs for the refugium.

Still cant see pics...tapatalk stinks.

No problem with running fuge 24/7, ive done it before.
Although it is always the easiest route just to do nothing about something sadly it will not fix it.....take what mike and Eddie are telling you about the ick with a grain if salt a large one ....if you do nothing it will return with a may not be tomorrow or next week but it will return and as long as you understand this and are not afraid to loose your fish ALL of them then your good to go but if you have an expensive collection or favor them in anyway you will properly dispose of it ....just be aware Mike and Eddie are coral lovers not fish lovers and wouldn't think twice if they had to replaced a few common fish but let rtn set in on a few precious coral colonies and the fragging would began with a mad scramble
Although it is always the easiest route just to do nothing about something sadly it will not fix it.....take what mike and Eddie are telling you about the ick with a grain if salt a large one ....if you do nothing it will return with a may not be tomorrow or next week but it will return and as long as you understand this and are not afraid to loose your fish ALL of them then your good to go but if you have an expensive collection or favor them in anyway you will properly dispose of it ....just be aware Mike and Eddie are coral lovers not fish lovers and wouldn't think twice if they had to replaced a few common fish but let rtn set in on a few precious coral colonies and the fragging would began with a mad scramble

Yes I am aware of the risk I'm taking by not getting the fish out to treat and have the tank fallow. But it seemed almost impossible to catch all of them without taking the rock out. Ever since I made my own food and strictly feed them that I haven't seen an outbreak. I think it's been about a month since I've seen any signs. I know that in no way means I'm worry free and the parasite is still in my tank but I figured that was the best way to go. Everyone looks healthy and eat great so for now I'm happy and will just have to keep my fingers crossed.
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Although it is always the easiest route just to do nothing about something sadly it will not fix it.....take what mike and Eddie are telling you about the ick with a grain if salt a large one ....if you do nothing it will return with a may not be tomorrow or next week but it will return and as long as you understand this and are not afraid to loose your fish ALL of them then your good to go but if you have an expensive collection or favor them in anyway you will properly dispose of it ....just be aware Mike and Eddie are coral lovers not fish lovers and wouldn't think twice if they had to replaced a few common fish but let rtn set in on a few precious coral colonies and the fragging would began with a mad scramble

Matt- I wont disagree that properly quarantining fish is the best thing to do.

These animals are taken from their home in the reef to the other side of the world hopefully within 24 hours. Then are placed in a small tank until they either get wholesaled to another part of the country and/or eventually to a retailer that then sells to the hobbyist. They are stressed, big time.

We all agree the major cause of Ich is STRESS.

So now you intimate that what Chris wants to do as a good option. Place in a 20G tank with a filter that has ZERO biological bacteria. This will cause spikes in ammonia and then nitrates. On top of that this fish will have no way to hide, decreasing stress, because all he has is a piece of PVC or a piece of rock.

Sorry Dude but that does little in the way of decreasing STRESS to fish.

I know you have the ability to provide fish with a better environment because you have a huge garage with quarantine set ups ready for this, but most of us dont have that LUXURY. At the end of the day it is a luxury.

When you place a fish in a reef that has the right water parameters, and proper hiding places right from the get go, you are giving it the best possible scenario in MOST PEOPLES WORLDS. So you give them the right environment, feed excessively so they will eat, and let it be. Youve given it the best chance you can. We cant make people feel guilty cause they dont have thse other luxuries.

Matt- I wont disagree that properly quarantining fish is the best thing to do.

We all agree the major cause of Ich is STRESS.

So now you intimate that what Chris wants to do as a good option. Place in a 20G tank with a filter that has ZERO biological bacteria. This will cause spikes in ammonia and then nitrates.

Sorry Dude but that does little in the way of decreasing STRESS to fish.


Qting doesn't have to be brain surgery here .... Sorry to derail things here Eddie as long as he does a good water change on the qt daily nothing will have a chance to build up in the qt until bacteria can build up and then slowly pull back on them and I would highly recommend like you said providing some to start with say in the form of a nice size live rock you don't mide drying out after use to clean it.....

Also its just an assumption that all this process is causing STRESS.....and this stress as we refer to it is causing health issues...we truly can't know we can just make an educational technology advances maybe someday we will have a scientific exact answer and it may be something else all together that this unnatural moving of environments causes ....but a few things are for sure untreated it will return...and in some cases even when treated it will return but the treated stand a better chance of long term survival over the untreated ...

And I see you kindly bypassed the coral ref lol.....let a major coral have an issue in your tank and do you just sit back and do nothing lol I think not immediately search for the source attack it (treat it) minimize the losses (frag it) and attempt to make sure it doesn't happen again....why would you not take this same action with your fish when they are sick .....
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Yes I am aware of the risk I'm taking by not getting the fish out to treat and have the tank fallow. But it seemed almost impossible to catch all of them without taking the rock out.

Speak with lance out at elite marine he has had great success with chloroquine phosphate usage in the dt to treat some issues with sick fish in a dt with out having to break your whole system down ...
Matt- I love you to death, but have to agree to disagree with some of your posts. Why dont we have this debate outside of this gentlemans build thread. I have an answer to all you concerns. Feell free to post. I think it will be educational to the rest of the club, our differences/agrrements of opinions. :)

Or maybe save it to the next FMAS meeting where we will have a QA session.
I have had ICK! since i added fish over 2 years ago. It HAS NOT come back for me since I do NOTHING now.

The key.....stop pising off your fish. Do some research before you mix your animals

And........ I play them fish porn at night. ( ;
After cipro treatment here is how my new carpet looks. This is a shot from this morning day 3 with no treatment. Pom going to transfer it over after work today.


Here is a before and after shot


I don't mind you having the ich argument on here I'm learning from it all. I'm still new to the hobby so all opinions are welcomed. Just keep it clean and no hard feelings!
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After cipro treatment here is how my new carpet looks. This is a shot from this morning day 3 with no treatment. Pom going to transfer it over after work today.


Here is a before and after shot


I don't mind you having the ich argument on here I'm learning from it all. I'm still new to the hobby so all opinions are welcomed. Just keep it clean and no hard feelings!

Quoted from computer to see if AquamanE can see the pictures now. Maybe?
maybe save it to the next FMAS meeting where we will have a QA session.

Chris things looking good .....

Eddie lololo guess thats why you stay away from the fish over $39.99

and you still are avoiding that fragging question lol
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Yes.i can now see them, thank you, but im sure i wasnt alone.

BTW- Cipro treatment??? What are you using Cipro for?

My new carpet was sick and after much search I found that a lot of people have treated them with cipro and they usually bounce back in a few days. There's loads of info about it on the anemone section. It's pretty simple to keep up with just gotta do a 50% WC every day in your qt. you can't treat your DT with cipro though.
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Eddie lololo guess thats why you stay away from the fish over $39.99

and you still are avoiding that fragging question lol

Funny young man. :love1:

OK so here i go to answer you questions since the OP (Chris) said it was OK.

I have acquired plenty of fish over $39.99, my most recent a Chevron Tang that ive now had probably 2-3 months, and its doing great. . Trust me I payed much more than $39.99 for it. I will refuse $800-$1500 like you do, but thats just me choice. :uzi:

Regarding the coral question i chose to ignore because its not a good analogy. Acclimation for corals is much easier. Your major enemies are flatworms (easy to treat a whole tank), Red Bugs (easy to treat a whole tank), and Acro Eating Flatworms ( Pain in the neck if not mayor losses to treat, worse than Ick). How do most of us coral lovers avoid these, you Dip. Many commercially available good products out there to do it with. I dip all my corals and STILL have had to deal with FW's and Red Bugs. As a matter of fact i have a small infestation of Red Bugs as we speak. I saw them only because i took a few Macro shots of corals last week and when i zoomed in saw them. Do you see me freaking out? No im ready to go to Reef a pallooza and get more corals. I will them treat the whole tank and be done with it for a few more years.

Fish diseases are a totally different story. From the start of this debate i mentioned Quarantining is the best way to do it. I choose to take, IMHO, a statiscally small chance by not doing so. Few of us can afford (and im not talking money wise) to set up a quarantine tank every time we get a fish, actually i find that counter productive. If you can keep a separate tank with biological capabilities, and good hiding places, all year round, then im all for it. I just dont have the space, energy, or time to do this. So I choose to not quarantine for the 2-3 fishes i buy a year.

A lot can be avoided when fish buying by knowing how to buy fish. They need to come from a reputable place, many distributors are now doing it for you (quarentining). Dont you buy a lot from Live Aquaria since they do this for you?. The fish needs to be observed while at the LFS. Look for signs of disease, ie cloudy eyes, is the fish active, is the fish scratching, are the fins intact, are they eating? Many ignore a very important one, Can you tank handle that fish?, is it big enough, are their potential bullies, can you meet its water parameter needs, do you have what it takes to feed it? Those are just a few things to look for. Many get tempted to buy the fish cause its pretty, but ignore the above mentioned things. :reading:

I hope i answered your questions.
