* Click Here: Nominations NCPARS Elections


New member
Here is where we are accepting nominations for NCPARS elections. I will post all information about positions and etc. tommorrow. Thanks, I am looking forward to hearing from you all. If you have any questions feel free to email or pm Carlc, Rich, or me.

Thanks again.

hey ricky

i want to run for president.

i would like to nominate the following:
bytor (tim)for vp or other open slots
barney (scott bennet) for secretary(good legal man)or other open spots
fizz (kevin) for website related stuff.
jonk (jon)for vp of public affairs
zooqi (mo)anything because he's a great help and good friend
that would leave the need for a treasurer and 1 other open spot if i recall i think we dropped down to the 5 main titles and 2 members at large

anyone want to 2nd the votes?
I would assume that those that you nominated would have to accept those nominations, not that they'd need to be seconded. The committee should have the bylaws and could probably answer that, but that is how most organizations are run.

What did you plan on running for?
The bylaws are vague on seconding by the committee. It will require seconding for any floor nominations at the time of the election, but for now...you can nominate yourself if you want...throw your hat in the ring.

Since you said anything, how about you nominate me for a free dinner at your cost and that applies for everybody else who want to nominate me for anything too :) :) I take anything but rather have cash :) :)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6964449#post6964449 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bmkindig
zooqi (mo)anything because he's a great help and good friend
hey mo
i think i might still have some of those burnt chicken frags i got from your swap a few years ago,that i can thaw out for you.
lol lol lol lol

if i only knew where that picture was.
Uh Brad...ncpars.org! Ever notice the icon for "NCPARS Events"?

There is a better photo in the gallery.

oh, no,,, not one of those presidents

On the formal stuff, I believe that as long as a nomination/motion is made by a committee (like the nominating committee is a formal committee) it does not have to be seconded. Any nominations/motions from the floor do need to be seconded. But the nominating committee should be sure the nominees are willing to run.

I'm willing to be on BOD one more year, I guess, but secretary would be my least preferred position. I hate writing newsletters. :)

In another thread, Sassyfish (I believe it was) expressed some interest and experience with being secretary in a different club (non-reef).


Here is an updated list.

President: Kelly, Brad
Vice-President: Rich, Kelly, Tim
Vice-President of Public Affairs: Brad, Kelly, Jon
Secretary: Ricky, Marlene (sassyfishy), Scott
Treasurer: Rich
At-Large Directors: Scott B., Mo, Sanjay, Brad, Ricky, Carl

Keep in mind, the bylaws state that only one person from a household may hold office or be on the BOD at one time.


I am also willing to write the newsletter if the secretary does not want to do it or doesnt have the time!

Thanks again,



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6981044#post6981044 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rickyfins
Keep in mind, the bylaws state that only one person from a household may hold office or be on the BOD at one time.

This does not mean that members and BOD that are casting votes can not vote for members of the same family.

Why the need for the second user ID? Do you need to hide your first identity from folks while attacking others? I'll expect a PM from either this account or your other with an explanation.

Originally posted by littlemantis45
If she ends up not being apart of ncpars send me an email and I will reconsider.

No need for an email since based on who you are, you probably have a pretty good idea about your member base.

Thread closed.

RC Staff

Obviously littlemantis is someone on the current BOD. This is as pathetic and immature as it gets. If your going to make a personal attack towards someone have the guts to show who you are.

This is an example why npars needs new members on the BOD.

Its good to see an assertive nature towards change. The nominations look promising.
First of all, that thread was closed for a reason. There is no need to cut and paste it into a thread calling for nominations.


I like you as a person but your posts on this forum are always negative and bashing. If you don't like the club than stay out of this forum. Nothing personal but we don't need to keep reading about how bad you think the club is.

Jon i paid my dues. so i have the right to make my comments. if you have a personal issue with me, do it in pm/or email. or you can call me also.

if anyone can not handle critisim, than do not run for a public position.

I PM'd you back. I don't have anything personal against you and you know that. I just thought dragging that closed post into this thread and blaming someone on the BOD was inappropriate.


i was on the fense about staying with the club based on the new bod, but with your controlling comment. im done. dont worry you will not see another post from me in this forum! i promise you this.

and by the way, i support BRAD as president.