Closed Loop


New member
I want to put together a closed loop. I added a BTA, 2 clowns, 2 cleaner shrimp, a new zoo patch, and a pulsing xenia yesterday. The seio 1100 is nice, but it is an eyesore. I also have a toilet bowl effect going on and i want some alternation.

Can someone loan me a mj1200 for the mean while? Jeff you up for a project this week?

Last livestock for a while. Or until I go to PPM next and see a zoo patch i want :)
I'm not sure if i want to use a pump like yours or a mag drive. I don't have anywhere to mount a pump, So i'm probably going to go with the mag.
Mags will work external so I would go with that. I would also recommend a mag 9. Order the SQWD and pump first and then we can set everything up. To hard to do it without the equipment.
They sell the mag9 at the Kadena BX for $60 I think. It's in the garden section.

How are your pulsing xenia doing? I put mine in a real low flowing area, and its starting to open pretty good. And its pulsing lots. looks pretty cool. Those clams are loving the halides also :)