Club meeting - October?


New member
Well, here it is almost October so it is time to start talking about the next meeting. We are way over due for a true club meeting, I think. We have money from the raffle that needs to go into an account, we have a website that needs attention and we have a club that seems to be heading in the same direction of the old club. Any suggestions to time and place for a meeting this month?
Hey Audrey,
Let me look at the calendar and ask the wife. I might be able to host the next meeting. I will let you know hopefully by tomorrow.
come on DEEHZ!! Dont ask the wife TELL the wife.

then when she kicks your butt you can sleep over at my house :LOL:

hopefully you will have the weekend open. i think my october is pretty open so hopefully i can make it.
come on DEEHZ!! Dont ask the wife TELL the wife. then when she kicks your butt you can sleep over at my house :LOL: hopefully you will have the weekend open. i think my october is pretty open so hopefully i can make it.
Justin--you so crazy!:hmm5: Whats that saying, Happy wife Happy Life. Hey, if she kicks me out for the weekend, I can stay in that schnazzzzy trailer of yours!!!

OK y'all. Party at my house!! Also lettin y'all know, no kids. Ha, just kidding. Bring the kiddos.

I guess it is going to be the 3rd sunday of Oct. right? Don't have my calendar open but say around 3PM? Here is my address and phone if you want to text:

4587 hatchet court, las cruces, nm (you can map on google, it is the easiest. Its also on Del Rey, pretty easy to find), 575-520-0643. C-ya!!

Hey Deehz, what tanks do you have that we can admire? or what is planned, being in el paso need a bit more info. thanks.
I only have my RSM but it is well stocked! Thinking of fragging my leather, finger leather I believe either this weekend or next. Its getting out of hand! :lol2: So who ever shows up can pick up a healthy frag. I will post pics of it soon.

As far as activities, I guess this is going to be a true meeting with minutes and all. Is that correct Audrey/John/Justin/Steffen? Then after wards is the "social hour" or 2 or 3 or 4 or till we drop on the floor. I will provide "adult"/kiddo beverages and probably some food. Don't know yet on the latter. Will have to talk about the semantics with John and Audrey on this. All are welcome to come. I know its a drive from EP.
SWEET! Great, Deez, thanks for hosting this! And yes, this will be a much needed official club meeting. I will start working on an agenda and hopefully everyone will chime in at some point. I will also plan on bring some snacks and drinks along with the club "rooster". Maybe you should make this a costume party? I am sure that the kids would love to wear theirs, but not sure if I wanna show up as Lady Gaga lol!
deehz, this is great that you are going to finally be able to make it to a meeting. Well what I really mean is that i hope you can be there. It has happened in the past that the host wasn't even at the meeting. Thank you in advance for being so kind as to host. If there is anything you need brought or help with, please let me and or others know. I know everyone is always more than willing to help.

We are for sure over due for a true club meeting. We do have a web site in need of attention , but when the person that took that bull by the horns won't communicate with others it is hard to give attention to. I don't think we have any money from the raffle, I could be all wrong but the last i knew we didn't have. It has been over six weeks and I really wonder why that is. I really don't think this club is headed in the same direction as the last but that is JMO. I think we did have a slow spell and that is bound to happen.

I think some of the people have been busy and had different things going on and have not been making the meetings. I am guilty of not making the last one.

About the meeting for the raffle, it was a good meeting as far as number in attendance and a lot of new people met each other. But out of all the new people that attended, it seems like we only ended up with i think three actively posting people here on the forum. I am really glad we ended up with even a few people.

I think the only reason most of the people attended was to try to win the raffle, for which the club has yet to see any benefit from.

I would like to point out that the club was not in charge of that raffle or the collection or distribution or the lack there of, of the funds raised by it.

i know denis has just had back surgery, but i stopped by the shop yesterday anyway hopeing he would be around. the shop was still closed, so i hope the recovery is going well. i still need to get with denis to discuss the raffle profits/portion that is going to the club. last time i talked to denis, he did not have the final numbers.
Its ok. I can provide the kiddo and adult beverages. I will have some snacks out as well. I would like to get a roster going to see who is going to attend. That way I can provide snacks and drinks accordingly.

Um, I believe the correct term is "rooster" not roster. Come on Deehz, get with the program :)

Count me in and maybe two kids