Club meeting - October?

Rooster seen in hatch!


That is too flippin funny! I did not know that roosters had the capabilities to make soft served ice cream. I wonder if they have a soft served flavor of chicken florentine, pollo (chicken) asado, rosemary chicken basted in olive oil and basil, fried chicken, and i can go on and on and on.
that should've been our logo.

Can we re-vote?
k, well im sure it was a mix up between roster and rooster for the joke. but i have no idea what the heck you guys are talking about, and i might not be the only one. not a club of 5 people i dont hope ???
pnavarro170, no it is not a club of five people in any way. It is an ongoing joke about the rooster. It all started in the begining right after STARS was first formed and we were all sharing ideas about what things we thought we should do at meetings and that type of thing. jay508 said he thought we should start and keep a rooster. I think you can get the idea from there, and we have an official club rooster, you will see it at the meeting. For that matter you can look back to the pics of the meeting that you attended for the drawing. The rooster was in the top of the food tent looking things over

Look here post #77

Sorry if you or anybody else felt left out over all the rooster talk. This should kind of bring anybody that cares up to speed. :wave:
That is too flippin funny! I did not know that roosters had the capabilities to make soft served ice cream. I wonder if they have a soft served flavor of chicken florentine, pollo (chicken) asado, rosemary chicken basted in olive oil and basil, fried chicken, and i can go on and on and on.

Can we re-vote?
I'm thinking it is a play on these guys:


Sorry Pedro I thought everyone had meet roster the rooster!! :spin2: :)

Audrey I sure hope that rooster doesn't have an attitude now and run around trying to spur everybody on the legs. I would really hate to see anyone hurt just cuz you felt the need to turn the tame STARS rooster out in the yard and let it run around with a bunch of wild hens. :wave:
haha, well i mean the joke had to be that, and no i didnt see the rooster, but i can get you a real one if you guys want.
pnavarro170, did you look at post 77 in the link i posted? The rooster is in the top corner of the canopy. No we don't want a real rooster thanks, we have foghorn leghorn.

I say i say go away boy you bother me!
Yeah, those were the good times. Great cartoons during John's 18th century childhood. :lol2:
Ha, I would like to see the Foghorn Leghorn performance by John! I am excited to go to to the meeting too. Oh wait, I am hosting.

Anyways, here is the address again and it can also be mapped on google.

4587 Hatchet Court, Las Cruces, 88012. If you get lost: 575-520-0643. We are North of the 70 on Del Rey Blvd. So you will be heading north on Del Rey Blvd, assuming you are.
--You will see a community, Parkhill Estates is the name of the community, where you will be entering (past all of the construction).
--Turn right on Parkhill road (same name as community).
--You are going to take Parkhill east till you hit a 4 way stop. That stop is Roadrunner.
--Go past Roadrunner (still on Parkhill) and make the very first right.
--As soon as you make that right, you are going to make an immediate left.
--After the left, you are going to make another right turn-Hatchet Court.
--Follow Hatchet till you see an old beat up black honda civic. We are on the right side.

Its real easy to find. If you get lost, don't call! Ha. Just kidding. Thanks y'all. Hope to see many of our members on Sunday.