Club meeting - October?

Hey, reading above deehz says third Sunday (17th) but Justine says 24th. Which is it? If it is the 17th it is fast approaching. I will be bringing some frags and anything else you may need. Let me know!

i guess i assumed the last weekend is the third. oops. why do you go and re-read the thread and get us all confused. i guess my vote is for the 24th.
sounds like it's going to take place on the 24th, works for me. I hope it works for any and all that want to attend. :wave:
and if the 17th works better for you, just go over to DEEHZ's house and eat dinner with them i am sure they won't mind. if hes not there just search for his hide a key and make yourself at home.
That is a good idea!! I was all prepared for this Sunday and was wondering why there was not more action on this thread. Wish now I had just shown up!! :lol:

Mi casa es su casa. Anyone is invited over anytime. Just have to run it by the boss first! :lol2:
So here is what I have so far for the "rooster" that are attending (I'm a fast learner Audrey!) the upcoming meeting: 19( STARS members and family) So, anyone else going to come to the meeting? Next Sunday is around the corner.

It will be great if 19 people really make it to the meeting, and all the better if more make it. I sure hope that the official "STARS" Rooster doesn't have any more brain damage than he did before, after being with them little yahoos over there at the house of Audrey. :wave:
Well, hope we have a good turn out! The rooster has been outside with the hens, so he has a whole new attitude now. See you guys Sunday! I can bring plates and cups left over from the last meeting, if that will help :)
Rooster seen in hatch!


Hey now Jay don't you be picking on my hatch rooster. I put that rooster on top of that old truck. He is under attack right now from one of the locals that doesn't like all of the giants in hatch.