actually it isnt illegal to collect fish but you arent aloud to colect coral of live rock or anything but fish. your not even aloud to have the special equipment to have coral on the islands.
actually you are somewhat right. you can collect fish.
by law you are allowed to collect five fish per day.
but the question is.
anyone know where i can find laws about collecting coral or other inverts in hawaii.
In the Hawaii fishing regulations, which you can get a copy by writing to
Division of Aquatic Resources
Dept. of land and natural resources
Kalanimoku BLD
1151 Punchbowl ST. room 330
Honolulu HI 96813
page 9: Coral and LIVE ROCK
stony coral : Unlawful to take, break, or damage, with any implement, any stony coral from waters of the state, including any reef or mushroom coral. Unlawful to sell or offer for sale any stony coral.
LIVE ROCK: Unlawful to take, break, or damage, with any implement, any rock or coral to which marine life is visibly attached.
There are no rules about owning equipment.