collecting in hawaii

I just moved away from Hawaii afer being there nine years. I started with an octopus tank, and then switched to a reef tank.

You can collect inverts and fish with a permit (5 a day with a few extra limits on game animals). No live coral and no live rock, BUT if you go to the beach early after a storm or big surf you'll find plenty of recently deceased rock washed up on the shore. Go wearing pants so it's obvious you haven't gone in the water to collect.

There is also a couple pet stores that sell zoas and leather corals. Many ebayers will also ship to Hawaii. Keep in mind importing is illegal. But I have heard that if you get a rose BTA off ebay for $40 and it grows and splits, you can usually sell the new ones for $100 each. At least that's the rumer.

If you decide to go out and collect your own live rock leave your hammer and chisel at home. There are some areas when the tide goes out it seems everything is covered in mud, go out and shake the mud off some of the rock you see on the mud flat. It will have amazing colors and tons of life. Keep in mind this is still illegal and you will get your a$$ handed to you if caught. But at least this will minimize your impact on the reefs.

You can also collect some macro to eat, which means you can replant it at home for a refugium.

As far as exporting- don't bother. Taking stuff onto a plane is illegal, you might not get caught- but your risks aren't worth the reward in my book. If you build a healthy reef tank and network a little you'll be able to sell everything for more than you'll pay to replace it in the mainland.

PS I know this thread is old. I was just doing a search for Hawaii threads with hopes of learning how to get a pair of pistol shrimps like the ones I had in Hawaii.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8770036#post8770036 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by VirginiaDiver
As far as exporting- don't bother. Taking stuff onto a plane is illegal, you might not get caught- but your risks aren't worth the reward in my book. If you build a healthy reef tank and network a little you'll be able to sell everything for more than you'll pay to replace it in the mainland.

Just to clarify fish are ok and legal to bring on the plane as a checked luggage providing the fish are not on the restricted list
I was interested in this as I will be going to Kauai in February to visit my grandparents. I sent an email to DLNR and this is what I got:

If you are using a small meshed (less than 2 inches mesh) hand net of less than three feet, including the handle, to collect the aquarium fish, and the fish are not collected for sale, no permit is required. A hand net larger than three feet, will require an aquarium permit. 1) what will you be using to collect the animals (what kind of gear)? 2) Are the animals to be collected for sale?

You should check with the equivalent of the Division of Aquatic Resources in your home state to see if they have restrictions on importing animals. There may be an alien species concern. You should also check with the airlines for their shipping requirements. Live animals for export are usually not a problem as long as they are not illegal.

You may not collect or transport any animals that are unlawful to take in Hawaii. Transporting illegal animals across state lines is a federal and state offense. The regulations can be found at Click the regulations button. Let me know if you have any questions.

Alton Miyasaka
Division of Aquatic Resources
Department of Land and Natural Resources
State of Hawaii
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8846099#post8846099 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Aquariumist
what are some fish you arent allowed to collect/bring home with you?


Aholehole: Kuhlia sandvicensis, K. xenura
‘Ama‘ama (striped mullet): Mugil cephalus
Awa: Chanos chanos
Kala: Naso unicornis, N. brevirostris, N. annulatus
Kumu: Parupeneus porphyreus
Manini: Acanthurus triostegus sandvicensis
Moano: Parupeneus. multifasciatus
Moi: Polydactylus sexfilis
‘O‘io: Albula glossodonta
‘Opelu kala: Naso hexacanthus
Uhu: Scarus dubius, S. psittacus, S. rubroviolaceus, Chlorurus sordidus, C. perspicillatus
Ulua and papio: Caranx ignobilis, C. lugubris, C. melampygus, C. sexfasciatus
Carangoides equula, C. ferdau, C. orthogrammus
Weke and oama: Mulloidicthys flavolineatus
Hmm. So, If i understand this right, you can't (legally) have a true reef tank in your house if you live in the state of Hawaii?