Collecting in Key Largo and Isamorada

twist of lime

New member
I'm looking for good collecting places on the Key Largo and Isamorada Islands. I've been to the FWC site and am fermiliar with all the regulations. I've heard anne's beach is a good place. I'm not scuba certified, I can only snorkel so nothing too deep please. Does any one have any good places?
Thanks, Diane
Anne's beach is ok if you are looking for marine plants and sand dwelling inverts, there are very few fish there that are good aquarium candidates, if you are snorkeling, just look along the road for places to park that have rocky habitat, or under bridges when the tide is slack. You have to be careful, you don't want to be caught when the tides are running, as it could be dangerous, but anywhere along the rocky coast should have juvinile tropicals, and lots of aquarium inverts and plants.
I used to collect snails, crabs and a few fish along the power lines on the back side of the island. The bases are concrete and each one is like a mini-patch reef. Make sure you have a dive flag!!! (and a valid SW fishing license)