Connect RO/DI filter to a sink???


New member
Hello All. I am stuck in the wonderful college dormatory predicament: a box with power outlets and an internet connection. I'm not really supposed to have a tank in the dorms (not more than 10gal atleast), but I'm an SPS nut and my sanity is withering away without a tank. ANYWAY, here's my question:

Since I don't have plumbed water in my room, is there a way I can hook up an R/O filter to say, the bathroom sink when I need to make water? I know I can probably jury rig some connection to the faucet, but do those filters to need to be constantly connected?

I've never really used one, I've always had access to it at work, but that's in the SF bay area, not Davis CA. I can't imagine Davis well water would sit well with SPS.

Thanks for your help!
I would just find a local source for RO/DI water and use the jug method. :) I don't think you are going to get very good life/results out of a temp unit that gets hooked up and disconnected constantly.
I would, but it's exceedingly difficult without a car :( . I may be able to get it for free on campus, but I'd have to carry jugs of water from the chem lab building (not close, lol).
5 gallon jug and one of those little portable dollies (like the ones you can attach to a suit case). Problem solved. :)