Cool New Stuff?


New member
Has anyone bought anything cool recently?? Fish, coral, equipment, new tank, etc.

Doesn't have to be "super cool" - don't want to exclude us less extravagant people. Lol

Nothing cool here on my end, however, I did get a reg. Occelaris clownfish yesterday after losing my favorite fish; Largo the sheepshead minnow.


I let the wife name everything - keeps her involved and me in less trouble for buying stuff. :0
I've got 2 clams coming in Wednesday

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Collin, how much extra work is involved with clams?
Definitely cool animals. Thanks for sharing!
There isn't a ton of extra work to be done. You just have to be really careful about pests and start off with healthy specimens.

I also only buy clams over ~4". They seem to be much easier to handle for me.

If you can grow sps, a clam should do fine in your system

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New long tentacle plate coral!

You lied Jorge.. 6-8" my butt. It's pushing 12"! Lol
Looking to find a couple eviota or trimma gobies to live in it. Or possibly a couple porcelain crabs.

My new favorite coral. :)
Got this 80g deep blue to replace my 60, just need time to swap it all over!
I think you should leave it the way it is and just put a bunch of hermit crabs with smiley faces and rainbows on their shells in it. Lol

Going to move it to the corner where the other tank is? If so, how do you plan to do that??