coolest running pump(s) for nano cube 12DX


New member
I've heard that Tunze pumps are one of the cooler running pumps. I have to figure out a solution for my water flow. It must have the least amount of heat with the best amount of flow within my nanocube 12g (9g show area, 3g sump area). I heat it well enough with extreme lighting and desert living.

Right now, I have a maxijet 606 instead of the stock pump, and a Rio 90 on the opposite side, hidden behind the intake in the sump. Works pretty good. I would like to up the gph more, but can't raise the heat at all - I'm already pushing the limits.

So any suggestions on which Tunze pump could replace the maxijet 606 and another for the Rio, or just one high powered one that could be split into the tank, or?

Would appreciate any suggestions!

We don't really make any small pumps we offer some small pumps that are made in Italy for us but they don't have quite the same level of efficiency. The simple answer is just find a pump that produces the most gph for the least watts and you will have the least heat. Our smallest pump is about equal to a Rio 90 but smaller and it uses 4W IIRC, I am out of catalogues and it wasn't on the website as far as wattage. The next smallest is about the size and flow of a Maxi Jet 900 and it uses 11W.

This article might be of some help- I already calculated the efficiency of each pump so you have comparative figures, it looks like you can't do much better, the best seemed to be the Otto pumps but I have never used one and don't know if they are still in the US market. The article is 1.5 years old so certainly some things have changed in what is available, the powerheads we make are all about the size of a Hagen 802, so even though we have lower flow cool running pumps they probably are physically too large. The only thing we have are these pumps we buy from Italy in a small size.
Thank you for the great link and quick reply, I've done more research since then, but am still undecided.

I'm very interested in those mini pumps because of the low 4 watt usage (TurbelleÃ"šÃ‚® powerhead 600/2 or similar), I could use two of them to replace my existing two pumps. But it looks from the pictures that the output diameter is too small for my tubing setup, is that correctable? Read something about a 'mating sleeve', but is that something commonly sold?

My other thought was to go back to just one pump, and use the 7200 electronic pump, with a single controller. But I am not sure that would be sufficient flow, vs the two pump setup.

Thank you for your input,
The 7200 might be too much, also keep in mind they are big, do you want to lose so much space? They are about the size of a Hagen 802. I have seen 20s done with a 1600/2, that worked OK. Also, I think the Rio you have pumps slightly more for the same wattage outside of being smalller their is no gain. The 7200/2 would certainly get everything moving but may be too much. We just don't really make many products for small tanks at this time. The outlet of the 5024 is 1/2", that is the smallest pump. The 600/2 is not made in US voltage, our smallest US pump is the 1600/2.