Copperband butterfly


New member
I feel as if I have made a mistake...I recently bought a copperband butterfly...He is in my 20 gallon quarintine tank for four days and really has not eaten.I want to do everything in my power to keep this guy alive...any ideas will be thankful.
4 days isn't to bad, it shouldn't take much longer. Give it a variety of food to figure out what it will eat. I would start to worry in another few days. Not that I know any scientific type stuff to support that, i've just seen some fish take over a week.
Try some fresh clams from the grocery store. or Blood Worms or Black Worms if you can find them.

Copperbands are very hard to get to eat in captivity most of the time.

Please, return that fish to the place you got it. I really think these fish should be more looked after then the "Tang Police" look after their Tangs. ;) The average lift span of these fish in captivity is measured in MONTHS, not years. They just do not eat prepared foods. I have tried, done a bunch of research, and many have agreed, they are just really tough to keep in captivity. They are beautiful, so I completely understand, but these fish should not be kept in tanks. It's just a shame to keep a fish that you know will die in a few months of starvation. Sorry to be a buzz-kill, but please pass the word along. Best recommendation is to use some garlic to get him to eat, then have a good mix of Mysis, and Blood/black worms on hand. I even recommend some live brine shrimp.
put a liquid garlic product into the tank like, garlic +. This will help the fish slime more and relieve stress and thus increases its chances of actually eating. I would feed it frozen cyclopeeze, they are small and full of nutrition and copperbands tend to take well to them. If he eats this move on to frozen mysis. Other than that I would say PRAY :) good luck!!!

BTW for anyone looking to purchase a copperband you sould ask you LFS to see it eat before purchase and NEVER buy it without seeing it eat first because the chances of you being able to get it to eat is very slim.
I have had one for a year and a half. The foods that mine will eat in preferred order:
a) Black worms. He goes crazy for those until his belly is up to burst. You may order them on-line, they last up to four weeks. I feed him one teaspoon a day. He has gained a lot of weight since I started feeding him these 5 weeks ago.
b) Blood Worms (Frozen) Not very nutritious though. Look for the hikari brand, he will not eat the San Francisco Bay ones.
c) Artemia (Live and frozen) Look for the one specially fed before freezing otherwise it is a very poor nutrient.
d) Pmysis brand (fresh water and very nutritious mysid)
e) Marine mysis (Frozen) Hikari

Try finding a live rock plagued with Aptasia or mini feather dusters. The dusters are one of it's natural foods.
black worms and blood worms are the safest bets.
Chelmon rostratus prefers sand dwelling worms in a reef aquarium so this fare mimics it in a FO.
Regarding Copperbands and FO's:
There are definitely much better Butterflyfish choices for FO systems.
I was feeding mine with thawed misyds and blood worms. I did not realize how large and fat they can get until I found a local source of black worms, he eats them until he can take no more and has gained a lot of weight, colors are brighter and the fins more translucid and clean.
It really worth the effort to find black worms from them. I buy enough for two weeks at a time and they can be easily kept in the fridge in a wide pan with 1/4" to 1/2" deep water, change their waterevery two days using RO/DI.
How long have you had him in your tank? Do you have a lot of eggresive eaters in the tank with him?

I have a CBB for 2 months so far and it took a lot of different foods to get him to eat. First I would feed the other fish on one side of the tank then get my long baster and taget feed the Butterfly. At first he wouldnt go for it, This went on for 5 days then I bought live brine and did the same steps, he did eat some. Then the big winner was when I feed him live black worms. Now I can feed him frozen and he eats. But he's not a slob in any means but as long as the eat something thats all you want. Good luck and be patient. I believe the CBB is one of the most Delicate fish in the ocean.
We got one for the stores reef tank that some how got infested with aptasia he did a great job but do I have to worry about him eating any of the corals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14707006#post14707006 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scrapING
We got one for the stores reef tank that some how got infested with aptasia he did a great job but do I have to worry about him eating any of the corals.
I will keep him away from clams as they will keep on picking at the mantle, specially the barbs around the clam opening, the clams will stay closed and end up dying from lack of light and food.
Also sometimes they will pick on some snails, specially at their antenae (which he will eat) and will mostly certainly pick on a snail upside down till it is gone.
Similarly keep him away from any tube dwelers specially feather dusters.
He will not bother any corals as far as I can tell.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14374843#post14374843 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kgross
Try some fresh clams from the grocery store. or Blood Worms or Black Worms if you can find them.

Copperbands are very hard to get to eat in captivity most of the time.


I agree. Usually black worms are irresistible to them.