Coral Banded Shark Egg


New member
I got an egg 3 weeks ago from the store and they said it was going to hatch 1-8/1-12 or so. The shark is filling up most of the egg and the yoke sak is getting a little smaller but no hatching yet. Anyone have expeirence with these and know what to watch for and when to help?
You should of researched before getting the egg. First off, your tank is small for a shark, but it can easliy live in your tank for some months, just upgrade. Let the shark hatch, dont try opening it for him/her. Whats yor filtration and tankmates?
My expirence from the shark eegs is that there is a 50/50 chance of the shark actully living if the egg hatches when it dose hatch be sure to have some ghost shrimp ready for it to eat.
I strongly recommend you buying/borrowing Scott Michael's Shark and Ray book asap.

Do not attempt to open the egg, the shark will hatch when it is ready.

What tank mates are in with the shark?

What type of substrate do you have in the tank?

Right now the substrate is gravel and agrigate which I plan to change to live sand. I currently have an undergravel with powerheads but I have attatched a Fluval 404 which I am allowing to build the biological media before I remove the undergravel bed. I have a few small crabs in the tank, turbo snails, and a damsel. I also have an in tank protien skimmer running, with live rock rubble attempting to revive several pieces of former live rock. I plan to leave the 3 powerheads for flow after removing the undergravel stacks. The future plans for this shark depend on him. I want a larger tank again but this will do for a year or more. If I choose not to keep him I have a store in the area that will have no problem taking him and offering credit.
You need to replace the substrate immediately. The gravel will irritate the underside of the shark and can lead to infection.

If you currently have and internal skimmer, You might want to upgrade it to a more powerfull external model. There are some pretty good "hang in the back" models.

Skimming is very important when raising sharks as they are huge waste producers - and require very stable water parameters. With proper care, pacients, diligents and lots of research, the shark will do fine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6511578#post6511578 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherkerr
I want a larger tank again but this will do for a year or more.

Not only is the filtration, on your tank, not even close to what's required to house a shark...what I quoted above is the worst idea to have, when it comes to sharks.

It will not do, for a year or more. With the type of filtration you have on that tank, you wont have to worry about the poor thing living for a year. If you dont have plans to upgrade tanks within 6 - 8 months, you need to find someone to give that shark egg who knows how to properly care for it.

Not to be rude, but it's wise to research an animal before you just go out and buy it.
I had 2 of these in a 135 before and I have raised a nurse shark to over 2 feet before in a 135. I am not an amature. I am trying the Fluval with power heads for flow with the skimmer on the suggestion of knowledgeable advisers. I have a penguin 350 backfilter and another 60 skimmer laying around plus liverock in the center in case I need them. This tank is 5' long and 18 inches deep and 21 inches tall. It is not a 55.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6524122#post6524122 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherkerr
I had 2 of these in a 135 before and I have raised a nurse shark to over 2 feet before in a 135. I am not an amature.
Hi Sherker,

I think you made an error with your tank dimensions, 60"X21"X18" = 98 Gal

Anyways the tank size should do for a short term. I would be more concerned about filtration and overall stability of water parameters as sharks have less tolerance to abrupt changes to water conditions - especially Nitrate, Salinity and Temp. on a system that doesnt have an automatic evaporated water top off employed, you should be replenishing the evap. water every day or second day otherwise the salinity will continuosly fluctuate causing stress. Also you should use nothing but RO water as top off water. Also lower temp in the low 70's can slow the growth rate (Ref. S. Micheal). As far as your current filtration, It can work if the entire tank was devoted to the juvinal shark only, and no other waste producing inhabitants. A sump is generally recomended along with a powerfull skimmer. You also need lots of water movement through the system.

I have attached a photo of my filtration system that I am currently using on my 240 Gal with very good sucess.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6524122#post6524122 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherkerr
I had 2 of these in a 135 before and I have raised a nurse shark to over 2 feet before in a 135. I am not an amature. I am trying the Fluval with power heads for flow with the skimmer on the suggestion of knowledgeable advisers. I have a penguin 350 backfilter and another 60 skimmer laying around plus liverock in the center in case I need them. This tank is 5' long and 18 inches deep and 21 inches tall. It is not a 55.

What happened to these sharks?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6524122#post6524122 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherkerr
I had 2 of these in a 135 before and I have raised a nurse shark to over 2 feet before in a 135. I am not an amature. I am trying the Fluval with power heads for flow with the skimmer on the suggestion of knowledgeable advisers. I have a penguin 350 backfilter and another 60 skimmer laying around plus liverock in the center in case I need them. This tank is 5' long and 18 inches deep and 21 inches tall. It is not a 55.

:uzi: Amateur. :furious: Stick to dancing. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6531824#post6531824 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mikeeal
:uzi: Amateur. :furious: Stick to dancing. :D

Couldnt have said it better myself.

Anyone who stuffs a 2'+ Nurse Shark into a 135gal. tank is worse than an amateur, in my book.
These sharks were given to a new homw when they became crowded in their environment. All of these responses from people with 3 years expierence worries me. I have had this tank for 11 years. I have had tanks since 1975 and have done very well with them. Amature doesn't apply. I had that nurse shark for longer than you list expierence. If you don't want to help then don't reply.
The yoke sak is gone and I am worried about this shark egg. Should I go ahead and help him? Does anyone with expierence with this type of shark egg have any solutions?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6565813#post6565813 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherkerr
These sharks were given to a new homw when they became crowded in their environment. All of these responses from people with 3 years expierence worries me. I have had this tank for 11 years. I have had tanks since 1975 and have done very well with them. Amature doesn't apply. I had that nurse shark for longer than you list expierence.

LOL!!! Sorry I have to laugh at this comment. Based on your actions which obviously speak louder than your "experience." You clearly haven't learned what those with only 3 years of experience in the hobby already know.