Coral Maternity in Portugal

which is your favorite

which is your favorite

Of the more than 4000 coral, which is your pride? If you can with photos.
Your future prospects and what corals you want to have in the future.
Thank you for your answers.

which coral is your favorite ?
which coral is your rarest?
and which coral have you raised the fastest?
last question i promise which coral didnt grow or grew the slowest?
awesome setup put me in line when you start selling off the off spring
WOW I was following this thread since the begining and all that i can say it's gorgeous!!!! and the dedication you put on this project, its simply amazing.

congratulations and keep posting it's a pleasure read each update.

so what`s new with your system, have you got the guiness record? LOL
Congratulations Machado!!!!


fantastic what you´re doing!!!

I passed all week reading very slowly this thread


I left a mp.

Great job!

Me and a couple of friends payed Machado a visit this weekend to see how things were in the Maternity. It´s always a pleasure to visit Machado for the long talks about corals and the surprises he introduces in the Maternity. Once again, he didn´t disappoint.

Here´s some pics:

This is the tank where the mother colonies rest, as well as two giant Tridacnas. The school of Anthias is also very cool to watch.







I actually just saw this thread, and I didn't realize I spent the past 2 hours on reading all 34 pages.....
all I can say is it's gonna be my dream, I would love to do this someday in my life !
Really nice work !!!!! I'm loving it
I know it's funny, I'm born in Macau, I can't even speak one work of Portuguese, but I'm a Portuguese!!! I'm Proud of you !!