Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank) - split

I had a feeling you would be behind something at the ripleys aquarium! looked great!

Peter, when is your next open house? I missed the past few and would LOVE to see this beauty in person. Ya know, to give me idea and wish i had a larger space :)
I'm always amazed and humbled by folks who take the time to read through the whole thread. Thanks for the positive feedback. I do want to put up a web cam and have been experimenting with a number of different makes. So far I haven't really found anything I am happy with. When I do I will broadcast but it might be a while yet.


Peter, take a look at the Dropcam. They are currently selling in States only, but I'm sure you could pick one up. Their HD version might just work for you.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife being sick. I hope she gets better soon. I just wanted to say thank you for keeping us posted on the progress of the tank and life as a lot of us have been with you from the beginning. We all know how life throws challenges at us. It's just a matter of over coming them. In life and in reef keeping. Your tank has been a true inspiration to us all. And we appreciate the info you and Mr. wilson have provided and can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!
From a true Reef Enthusiast, All I have to say is im speechless.
Im absolutely blown away, iv spent the last 10+ hours reading through 3 years of a build thats just unbelievable. Iv forwarded it to all of my reefing friends and im sure they will be as blown away as me. Absolutely incredible.
Hello Peter

I took me a while to get back up to date on your thread. I have been busy restarting my own 180g tank.

I was very sad to hear about your flatworm infestation on all your SPS. Do your gorgonians doing well?

In 2014, I am planning to go in Toronto area to buy coral because in Montreal we always get the same ones.

Best wishes and success for 2014!!!

Happy New Year, Peter. I hope all is well with the wife and reef.

Quickly scanning the last several pages of the thread, there does not appear to be one new tank shot of the tank in 2013. I'm sure the community would settle for a picture that is nothing more than a quick snap from a camera phone. Perhaps Mr Wilson could do so on one of his maintenance visits?

Take care!

Happy New Year, Peter. I hope all is well with the wife and reef.

Quickly scanning the last several pages of the thread, there does not appear to be one new tank shot of the tank in 2013. I'm sure the community would settle for a picture that is nothing more than a quick snap from a camera phone. Perhaps Mr Wilson could do so on one of his maintenance visits?

Take care!


try this link

This is two days old. There is also a short clip of the Maroon Clowns done at the same time.

Hope that works.......

Thx very much, Peter. I've been waiting for a weekday clear enough to go in and see the Ripley aquarium. Maybe we could co-ordinate something when the weather is less chancy.

I just spent the past two weeks reading all 350 pages; first and foremost, I hope your wife's health is improving. Second I'd like to express my admiration of what you have undertaken and accomplished. Notwithstanding the significant financial commitment required to achieve what you have, the time and effort you and the entire team have expended to bring the tank to fruition couldn't possibly be overstated. The discipline to strive for "the best" and not merely good-enough is both commendable and a rare trait. I would like to thank you for documenting the build so thoroughly, Mr. Wilson for the wealth of knowledge within the thread (particularly before the split), and Dave for setting up the website.
To those that haven't read the original thread, I highly recommend it. It is both fascinating (ex. the discussion of lighting back when LEDs were first really coming into their own), and contains tons of useful information. Again, thank you for sharing your slice of the ocean with the rest of us.
excellent thread- wonderful amazing fish tank

excellent thread- wonderful amazing fish tank

Peter I remember you told me you had a vision for an coral fish tank in your home. Well you have exceeded that vision and what you have accomplished is amazing. As always I admire your persistence and demand for perfection and an incredible ability to innovate. I will be following your journey.
Awesome build! You guys have given me ideas to incorporate into the 300g build I'm in the process of, and for the next upgrade once I outgrow my current house and tank!

Keep up the awesome work!
Peter I remember you told me you had a vision for an coral fish tank in your home. Well you have exceeded that vision and what you have accomplished is amazing. As always I admire your persistence and demand for perfection and an incredible ability to innovate. I will be following your journey.

Thank you Fraser. I will be doing an update soon in honour of your visit to the thread so stay tuned.....great to have you join this community.

Peter. Hope everything is fine with your family.
Long long time no talk.

Everything is great Chingchai. I have just been preoccupied with some other stuff for the last while but rest assured I have been very involved with the Aquarium and the fish room. I hope to do an update soon. I will look forward to chatting with you in the near future.

I just spent the past two weeks reading all 350 pages; first and foremost, I hope your wife's health is improving. Second I'd like to express my admiration of what you have undertaken and accomplished. Notwithstanding the significant financial commitment required to achieve what you have, the time and effort you and the entire team have expended to bring the tank to fruition couldn't possibly be overstated. The discipline to strive for "the best" and not merely good-enough is both commendable and a rare trait. I would like to thank you for documenting the build so thoroughly, Mr. Wilson for the wealth of knowledge within the thread (particularly before the split), and Dave for setting up the website.
To those that haven't read the original thread, I highly recommend it. It is both fascinating (ex. the discussion of lighting back when LEDs were first really coming into their own), and contains tons of useful information. Again, thank you for sharing your slice of the ocean with the rest of us.

Thank you for your warm and generous comments. I should note at this point that the reduced tempo in updating the thread is not and should not be a fair indicator of my continuing involvement with this Journey. I am still very much evolving with this ecosystem, I just haven't been documenting it with the same devotion that I had on the initial build. Hopefully I will reengage this community shortly.
