Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Hi Peter,

I've been following since you came over from the NTTH thread and I haven't posted in this one yet, but I must say the progress you've shown so far is astounding! Your house and tank are truly amazing and this is really the stuff dreams are made of. I've read Chingchai's thread as well but I read a majority of the thread after it took place, which is good but I think you do lose something along the way. I am excited to be a part of this from the beginning.


You are right Steve. Its that Innocent stumble across something that you can relate to from the beginning that helps personalize the experience in a positive way. I am pleased to have you along. Your comment about dreams hits a personal tenet that I have lived with over the years........If you can't dream it, it is likely you will never see it.

Thanks for the compliment. Over the years you run into all sorts of odd situations and spend a lot of time trying to figure out what you believe is the best solution. Since I used to often install and maintain these show aquariums in people's homes and business that knew very little about the system other than that they were very pretty, I spent a lot of time on redundancy, automation, and general cleanliness. No sense in re-inventing the wheel if it has worked before, though there is always more than 1 correct answer to these sorts of questions.

Anyways, I have used a 1:3 or 1:5 (can't remember which) mixture of vinegar and water on drains dedicated to skimmer output before. I would do this once every 2-3 weeks depending on the skunk-iness of the skimmate. In one case we had a particularly bad problem with the smell coming from the skimmer drain. The customer was very unhappy so we scouted online and somewhere found an electronic valve (like this one though I don't remember the exact one we used) which we plumbed to a water line and let the controller turn the water on for 20 seconds once every 3 to 4 hours. That, combined with the vinegar treatment every other week, kept things clean and knocked any smell right out.

Also a bag of carbon over any drain vents can help with the smell somewhat as well.

By the way, 20 seconds every 3 or 4 hours was waaaay overkill, but his wife wasn't the big fan of the tank that he was and any possible smell she sensed set her off on him, so running it that often was more to keep her from bothering him than anything to do with the necessity of keeping the drain line cleaned out. I imagine that once or twice a day would have been more than sufficient.

Thanks for this, John and I are working on the foreplanning for the fish room and we are determined that the plumbing get maximum attention before the first wrench sees any pipe!!!!

p.s. the jury is still out on my wifes far the empty tank seems to be working. At least she finds the noise level to be acceptable.
Set up a solenoid and a timer to run hot water down the drain once a day for a minute or so. Your source water RO/DI waste water should be directed down the same drain to keep the odour below the trap in the drain.

Thank you sir, a gentleman and a scholar to boot.........

Your funny Peter... I would love to see the tank when completed. Any plans on making a section of crazy Aussie Acans??

The composition of the four islands will by definition be representative of the primary elements of the four Grand Masters. So David Saxby's and Chingchai's Islands will dictate the choices but there are two Masters still to be chosen by this community and I suspect at this level of performance it would be hard to imagine a crazy Australian Acan or two not making it into the mix.

hi john
i was looking for the membrane in the picture,sounds and looks like a good solid subfloor,the membrane will help keep any moisture away from the wood.


I bought it at Rona, it's light grey in colour. For small applications you can by a 2x2 panel that fits together, but for Peter's floor it would have been too expensive and time consuming.
I came across your thread today and just finished reading it from the start. I am so impressed with not only what you have been able to complete but also your attitude to the reef community. I have finished building a house and have included a space for an in wall tank and a very small fish room. I can only hope that when I begin my tank build that is half as good as yours. Thank you for providing much inspiration and sharing your knowledge.


Carefull Ray, that's the way it starts. Retirement nestegg, kids educations, restaurant meals, golf memberships.....all gone!!! Before you know it you are kicking stones down the middle of the street, smelling of stale fish food begging for salt from perfect strangers.

Thank you for your generous comments. This whole thing feels special even for me. Start planning your thread now. It will bring a fabulous discipline to anyone working in front of this excellent audience. They will hold you to a higher standard and it will be worthwhile.

Hi nineball you have obviously have planned this build down to the last coat of varnish. i am Australian and probably a lot crazy, my planned build is only going to be a 500 gallon build but with a large dedicated fish room under our house. fish room is finished only. It is interesting to watch and read about your build. We have another build going on in our suburb so we are crazy. I will follow this build.

John, careful what you say about Australians. I'm proud of my birth place. I know the build you are referring to as I have been following it closely. He has eclipsed my belief that Geothermal is the way to go for large tanks. Leave it to an Aussie to have a seventy foot lap pool within 20 minutes of the ocean....Your build is not too shabby either........we will be watching John, remember you can freely join this family but you can never leave.

Great to have you drop by and thanks for the support.

I have to say that I am completely blown away by the level of involvement that you are allowing others have in your slice of paradise. From providing photography equipment for those lucky enough to see it in person, to HD web cams for those of us who aren't so fortunate. And to allow others to decide the remaining 2 "grand masters"

I don't know if you have come across this thread already but it might give you an indication as to who those last 2 people will be:
I believe the term you were thinking of was "troll". Maybe.

Also, hello from your neighbor to the west. Your tank is truly an inspiration to any reefer. I will definitely enjoy watching your build to see what's possible in this hobby. I can't wait for more updates and may I ask for any more pics? :wave:

YES, thank you......trolls.....very bad. Soooooo no trolls to the west then, that's a good thing, because trolls do not get any more pics. But since you asked I will be putting up some stuff to get some advice in the near future.

Thanks for the 'troll' reference. Remember this for future reference; the best cure for a troll on the loose is a moderator. Do NOT hunt them alone!

i can say nothing that hasnt been said already so i wont say anything other than
" hi peter who likes salt" im corey :D
Hi Peter, it is such a delight to see a tank build of this magnitude and incredible design. What makes it more of a thrill for me is knowing it is taking place locally here in the GTA. Even my wife is glued to your thread! Best of luck throughout the build!

Tim, if your wife is tuned in to this thread then I think we can't help but succeed. I do have some sympathy for the spouses who are more than often drafted into this world whether they like it or not.......more on that subject later.

Thanks for your kind words, its great to have you with us.....

I have to say that I am completely blown away by the level of involvement that you are allowing others have in your slice of paradise. From providing photography equipment for those lucky enough to see it in person, to HD web cams for those of us who aren't so fortunate. And to allow others to decide the remaining 2 "grand masters"

I don't know if you have come across this thread already but it might give you an indication as to who those last 2 people will be:

Kaiserkid, thanks I have surfed this thread a number of times and there are a number of phenomenal builds in there. I couldn't find any I would object to in my home. There's even one I personally think qualifies as the third Grand Master but thats not for me to decide. I will hopefully get a framework up on the weekend for us to begin the search and selection. I think the thread you have suggested is an excellent place to start and possibly even finish.

damnit, I was supposed to be researching information for my new build, and sure enough I spend 3 hours reading this one.

Peter I live in Georgetown and would LOVE to give a hand when you start putting that tank together. My god that tank is going to be awesome. I always say a tank is not big enough until you can keep a mermaid inside and I think you could fit on in there. Whats the rule again 1" per gallon? you could keep at least a nice 6' blonde mermaid in there.

All I can say is you have inspired so many people in such a short amount of time. I am 20 years old right now, and I hope that with a life time of hard work I will be able to accomplish something as great as you have. I am looking forward to following this build for many years to come. All I can say is thank you so very much for your inspiration.

Nik Gonzales
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