Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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I just read through your entire thread and am quite amazed. All I have right now are two 29g biocubes but hope that one day I can build something of your magnitude. It's so generous of you to share your build with the community here. It's an inspiration and a wealth of information.

Can't wait to see more!
I was actually sitting in a lecture last weekend (Dr. Paul Whitby), and he did spend some time talking about Steve's tank, and the aquascaping. What you need to keep in mind is Steve's tank is almost eight feet deep. But you can actually acomplish the "canyon look" in a tank of less depth.
What about Iwagumi?
It wouldn't be one island (3 or 5) but definitely an amazing style.
Here is a nice write up:

Example of iwagumi in a reef environment:

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This is certainly a well thought out and interesting build. The challenge here I think is to identify a style that we can see replicated in other builds. We would welcome any input I think that might clarify elements of this or any build that is common to that build. Keep in mind I am NOT in any way disparaging your selection. This is a great build but what would you call the style??


Peter I can see you point of replication amoung the RC folks as that is a particularly unique setup however I still think it could help because it also briefly spoke about the three general areas of the reef and thier respective aspects. ex: the reef wall and its hard chaotic flow as well as lack of sand areas (mentioned previously in this thread). Also mentioned is the reef crest theese are the areas where the majority of corals are found and most aquarists try to replicate. Both of theese areas are most often refered to as the fruit stand appearance due to limmited depth of field in most aquariums making it difficult at best to gain desired effect. I think you will have a good shot at creating that feel with 3' to work with. looking at that specific build and rock work I would probably group it in the canyon column.
Peter. Spare some more pictures. Please!

Ok Chingchai,

Some of these are self explanatory so..............


times 2 = 420 gal


I can't fully unwrap the tank yet until the top cabinet is finished but perhaps these candid shots might help the folks trying to help me choose the styles for the Grand Masters. As you can see from this angle getting enough depth for the canyon style shouldn't be too difficult.


I think we have enough real estate to be fairly creative.



The best part I think is that careful planning will allow me to exploit very different views on the back side.......


This next portion shows work in progress........... Mike from Aquatic Sculptures was given the task of building a custom sled 12 feet long, 3 feet wide, eight feet high. His goal was to build an integrated system to support both the closed loop and the open in line system on that platform. Before it is moved into the fishroom John from DQI has to make sure that all the plumbing, power and HVAC is in place with full sound proofing and water tight measures complete. Future proofing the room is also Johns design task for downstream adaptations that may well occur. The three Mars units must also be supported and integrated into the room astectecally to meet the display experience we have set for ourselves.

This is clearly stuff that is in flux but we thought we would give you a sneek peek..........


I hope this works as I haven't tried this yet......... John narrates the following video while he is shooting it with mike as they are discussing various issues they want to deal with in the build........

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