Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Hi Peter ... this is one of two threads which isn't going anywhere on my two monitors @ work & home ... Left monitor Chingchai's ... Right side monitor nineball's ... :fun5:

I'm looking forward to see what you're going to do heading forward with your design inspired tank and having Chingchai as one of your "inspiration" is truly awesome!!! I gotta get my eyes checked ... :hmm6:

Hi Peter ... this is one of two threads which isn't going anywhere on my two monitors @ work & home ... Left monitor Chingchai's ... Right side monitor nineball's ... :fun5:

I'm looking forward to see what you're going to do heading forward with your design inspired tank and having Chingchai as one of your "inspiration" is truly awesome!!! I gotta get my eyes checked ... :hmm6:


So Paul, thanks a ton for the enthusiasm and support. I guess it's only fair that you be the first to know that Chingchai and I have decided to join our two tanks together........ We are just waiting for the PVC pipe to do it!!!

Amazing! Your already inspiring and there isint even water in the tank yet!

Water???? Water????? No one said ANYTHING about water..........The instructions say very explicitly: sand, add two palm trees, a coconut with this little colour your own umbrella stuck in one end, one plastic red bucket and shovel..........oh and straw not included!!!!

Water, yeah water. Thanks a heap Keegoaz. I'll bet that's not included either...........

Peter just saw your filter system and WHOLLLLYYY SPACESHIP BAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!
Really looks like somthing thus far hope it performes as well. On another note I'm gonna +1 on the size of loop intake strainers. Mine also draw from the bottom as yours will, I encountered 2 problems with this: 1- the sand got sucked in when i firstr added it. Solution I put a small box around it to hold sand back. 2- suction was way to strong with that styly strainer (too concentrated). Solution I was at the pool store when it hit me that the 6" dia million small hole plastic intake strainers used in the hot tubs would be perfect. As it just so happened they screwed right into my 2" bulk heads. after theese mods i have had no more problems with sand or clogging. The new intake also added a nicer astetic appearance as the hot tub strainers rise only about 1.5" above the bottom glass.(I did not totally cover them with the rock work for maint purposes)
Peter just saw your filter system and WHOLLLLYYY SPACESHIP BAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!
Really looks like somthing thus far hope it performes as well. On another note I'm gonna +1 on the size of loop intake strainers. Mine also draw from the bottom as yours will, I encountered 2 problems with this: 1- the sand got sucked in when i firstr added it. Solution I put a small box around it to hold sand back. 2- suction was way to strong with that styly strainer (too concentrated). Solution I was at the pool store when it hit me that the 6" dia million small hole plastic intake strainers used in the hot tubs would be perfect. As it just so happened they screwed right into my 2" bulk heads. after theese mods i have had no more problems with sand or clogging. The new intake also added a nicer astetic appearance as the hot tub strainers rise only about 1.5" above the bottom glass.(I did not totally cover them with the rock work for maint purposes)

Thanks Posidion, This is great help........I'm on my way to the hot tub store.......Great idea.

I really agree and I think we would be on the same page as to the style. I would ask you if you would consider Chingchai's style to be a Bonsai or even a slight Hybrid but a bonsai at heart?

At some point I guess I should just ask him....... but your opinions would be welcome.


I think it has some of those elements, but I think there is too much going on for it to be what I would consider to be a bonsai tank.
Me too.....I don't know what I did wrong.....I will try again but I have some checking to do first.


Remember, as you watch this, I'm new to a lot of this type of equipment...I deal with saws, drills and routers mostly...and high end LED lighting systems too...but that's another story...

Here is the video of me explaining the filtration system, with help from Mike who built it (and knows it a bit more than me)...
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Anbosu, I think I agree, so I would probably stage it as a hybrid Bonsai. I would be interested in your impression of the right elements in the form of an example of a tank you think describes the Bonsai style well???

skimmer: I had such a "self cleaning" system with a tube for the waste to the canalization (on a tank half of your size I am taking care off); please make sure you have a refill system for the evaporated water from a not to big tank. If the skimmer gets "crazy" and does a very wet skimming you will otherwhise end up with sweetening the tank. (well the tank I take care of used water from the normal water pipe and filled up endlessly with sweet water; I did not plan that and I replaced it with another skimmer and a small 20g refill tank). - Just make sure not to have an incident like this.

Hi Markus, just curious as to what "sweet water" is. If you are losing water from your skimmer are you saying to have it fill from another source. I am planning on having a small side tank full of RO water to use for evaporation in other tanks and for general purposes. Should this be available to the skimmer? What is a "wet skimming" too?

Wet skimming is when the protein skimmer fills the skimmer cup with a more watery solution vs. a dry foam. It obviously fills a lot quicker this way. Since the skimmer would be removing saltwater, the ATO is going to put back in freshwater, therefore lowering the salinity of the tank. I think by "sweetening" he is referring to the salinity of the tank dropping.
You are using just one pump for the closed loop?, what else are you planning for flow?

It's time to come out of the elevator and ask.
You are using just one pump for the closed loop?, what else are you planning for flow?

It's time to come out of the elevator and ask.

The open system will be moving the tank water from the top as well. We are also looking at redundant systems as well for the closed system, in case the pump or chiller go down.

I'll answer this, so Peter can stay in the elevator...I put some extra buttons in there and he is trying to figure out what they do...
I was just wondering do you have any fts of your current tank. I always see these monster builds and my mind always thinks that you current running tank must also be a beast over flowing with corals...

p.s. sweet hockey hair mike!!!
The open system will be moving the tank water from the top as well. We are also looking at redundant systems as well for the closed system, in case the pump or chiller go down.

I'll answer this, so Peter can stay in the elevator...I put some extra buttons in there and he is trying to figure out what they do...

I see 2 pumps for a total of about 9000 gph? this amounts to about an 8x turnover, did I miss something?
I see 2 pumps for a total of about 9000 gph? this amounts to about an 8x turnover, did I miss something?

Golf nut, I need to reafirm that the sled of equipment is in a state of flux so definitive decisions have not been made yet. I assume, and it would be very helpfull to us, if you could suggest the ideal turnover rate for this tank......I would be very interested in the target.

love the build have a question though. why are you going with the wet dry system? Filter bags and live rock would be much better and easier to take care of. Just my thought.
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