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Dont tell me your really going to use bio-balls.....
Ok, we are not going to use bio-balls.......
Dont tell me your really going to use bio-balls.....
love the build have a question though. why are you going with the wet dry system? Filter bags and live rock would be much better and easier to take care of. Just my thought.
30x would be a good starting point, higher would be better, it isn't just the flow but how it flows that may make all the difference.
Are you opposed to using Vortech type powerheads in the tank to suplement flow.
I used closed loops in the past, and they are great, but the broad random flow my vortechs put out is unreal. I could see though you wanting the least obtrusive equipment.
If you want to do just the closed loop I would section it off to 4 separate closed loops.
Section the tank plumbing in quarters and have a pump for each section
Looking back at the pics i would use one pump for each of the 4 ways
nineball, amazing undertaking! Is that a custom cal rx? And maybe this is just me but it does not appear large enough to handle a coral dominated tank of this size. I do realize that all reactors can be used on any tank but how often are you going to have to refill it?
Jonny, We will do whatever is necessary to create a healthy productive environment for the coral and the fish. And you all will have a definite part in helping us to deliver on that promise!
Having said that I am not as religious about hiding the plumbing as many in this environment are. It doesn't mean I don't care, I do, its just that I will deal with a bit of extra pluming in the interest of the quality of life in the tank.
If we can accomplish all that without the interference of the technology then so much the better.
Peter ... just seeing the RK2 skimmer Auto Washers reminds me of the water sprinkler system which I think makes sense rather than the "rotating" self cleaning system found on some high end skimmers out there ... gotta love this skimmer :inlove:!!
Oh ... for sure Chingchai and you are already connected via internet ... :beer:!!
i just came across your thread and have not read it all. i see some plumbing things that i dealt with in building my system that will affect you.
i have a similar setup to yours with closed loops coming in from the bottom of the tank.
the way you did the one pipe into four will limit the flow to that of the smaller pipe size. the reduction from large to small pipe needs to be at each of the four smaller pipes, NOT before the four way split.
i am assuming that the black screen is the intake for the closed loops. the screen has barely the surface area of the pipe it is protecting. the intake screen will get clogged rapidy, and have a lot of force concentrated over a small area. creatures can and will get stuck to this intake. i know. i had a long screen the size of the pipe and it got clogged and sucked in and killed a sea slug, et al.
are you going to have sand in the tank? another potential problem for the intakes, especially with the outputs also so close to the bottom.
my ocean motions are not working right now because of jamming.
then there is the much higher energy cost of the closed loops compared to powerheads. powerheads are uglier in the tank but easier on the electric bill, easier to clean. when was the last time you took a big external pump offline and cleaned it and the pipework with all the stuff growing in it? another reason to oversize any pipes.
well here is a thought..
I cant tell from the pictures but it looks like there is either a black wall or an overflow on each end of the tank.
If it were me and you can do it unobtrusive, i would put 6 vortechs on one end of the tank and 6 on the other. in addition to the closed loop.
At their peak points thats 42,000 gph of flow. Add in the randomization, and you got some serious flow patterns in that tank.
tou may even be able to get away with 4 on each side depending on what you do with the closed loops.
Are you going to use a phosphate reactor and seeded the system with bacteria?
I think that the best style would be to build YOUR STYLE.
I am sure you can come out with a beautifull set up of your own.
Great Job!!