Hats of to you Peter, I saw this thread sitting here at home with H1N1, and thought lemme go through reef central as usual. I saw your thread a couple of months ago and saw 1350G and decided Eish(its a south african word pronounced Ayeshhhh) thats big but decided to skip, What a mistake. In this last week i have spent all this sick time going through this thread. Initially from the back and then decided what the heck let me start at the beginning. Now that was confusing because from the Back Mr Wilson is part of the team from the front he is giving advice as an outsider:worried2: very confusing. As time went along i could not wait for Mr wilson to be added to the Team (as well as the couple of PM's that i sent you:thumbsup
You have been amazing as a person who has the amount of wealth like you do to be able to take time out of your life to share this amazing build with us from the start, to get input from everyone here regardless of where they come from or what they do. Taking the advice that you got and using it. WOW:thumbsup:
Also shows that even with a budget such as yours poor workmanship is always a possibility and just because you paying the beeg bucks does not mean you getting the best:headwallblue:
It is now 00:24 here and i am by myself in the dark lounge as the wife has kicked me out as the light from the machine is disturbing her but i had to finish this today.
I truly wished i had read this before i started my tank it would have saved me so much time and effort and i would have been able to design a much better system
Hats off to the Brothers Grimm and the rest of the team in maintaining such an awesome tank
Hats off to Mr Wilson for sharing all the knowledge that he has with the world wide reefing community and answering us in PM's
Hats of to you Peter for being the individual that you are, I truly wish that there were more Peters like you in this world:thumbsup: