Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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For those who worship Peter's Idols, you will be happy to hear that they are voraciously eating anything and everything we give them. They are not aggressive towards each other and school as they do in nature. there are no signs of ich, bacterial infections, or intestinal worms etc. They are colourful with clear fins and eyes and are very active.

They have been in the QT for two weeks, one more week and they will be released. the last test will be if they nip at corals, but we are cautiously optimistic.
i wonder how long it will take to remove your master peacekeeper from it's post...:spin1:
LOLS and i was just about to ask about a Naso Tang great to see him in as its the wifes Fav fish.
Awesome tangs there all the best with the Idols we catch them at our cost here, Looking forward to the updates
oops forgot to ask are you treating the tangs and Idols with anything now while they are in the QT Mr Wilson as a preventative measure?
Wow some beautiful fish, i see you took the "plunge" so to speak with the idols, i really will follow this with much interest, perhaps you can succeed were others have failed.

the last test will be if they nip at corals, but we are cautiously optimistic.
I am pretty sure they will nip something you have diverse families of corals and they are not totally "reef safe" fish but then its a toss up between having them or the corals and in my opinion , i value fish over corals it's a no "brainer" for me ;)

I like the idea of "peace- makers" but a Sohal that is more like a Peace breaker usually ;)

they look healthy although they are abit skinny and need fattening one shouldn't see that line on the body in pic 7140 it should vanish as they fatten up

Watching with much interest and hope in your success!
All I can say is WOW! The tank is just amazing! You have a very beautyful Aquarium!

This is the second longest thread i have read from start to finish. I started from the begining, and didnt skip ahead, almost a month ago :hmm3: and it it very impressive!

I cant wait to hear how the Morish Idols do. They are one of my favorite fish.
I like that your going the Best Practice route. Im hoping this year to start my tank and will be using this same thought process. I want it done right the first time :)

I really like the design and layout. I like that you are not trying to hide the fish room. I really think thats is just as interesting at the DT if not more so.

I will keep following this till the very end!
Wow!! Incredible fish selection!

Wish you the best of luck with the Idols and the Sohal! I've know several people that keep these fish with much luck. If anyone can do it, you can! Keep us posted please :D

Just wondering, why a sailfin tang?? Considering the beauty of your tank I didn't think you would get one of those.. They just aren't that pretty when they're full size and they've been aggressive IME. JMO though..
oh yes i never see any Mini/mini-maxi carpet anemones in there. Would look awesome if you had a small section dedicated to those wonderful creatures
Great clips, I think they look great and look forward to more.

I don't know if it has been addressed and I have missed it, but is allelopathy a concern with all the polyps in your tank? I always read how noxious they can be to the SPS, yet both thrive side by side in your tank. Are you controlling it chemically or some other way in your opinion, and do you expect it to be a problem in the future?

As before, thank you for this thread and the continual updates!

Hope I'm not coming across as a pest, but am quite curious as to your thoughts on this :)
using GAC ensures that you have no issues

What he said ˆ

There are other methods of oxidizing these secondary metabolite (poisons), such as UV irradiation, ozonation, water change and foam fractionation, but carbon is the best line of defense.

Peter started off on this journey with the goal of having an Indo Pacific species tank with just SPS. After discovering the many other wonders of the sea, that limitation went out the window... with the budget :)

The intense colour of sponges, fluorescence of colonial polyps, and gentle sway of LPS really breath life into a homogenous SPS tank. Our lighting penetrates to the bottom well, but there are always dark corners that can be animated with dendronephthya and we have some soft corals at both overflows to cover the walls eventually and create an illusion that the tank keeps going beyond.

Even some of the fish are poisonous, but carbon keeps these chemicals from increasing to unsafe levels. It is probable that direct neighbours of certain colonial polyps such as Palythoa may have retarded growth, but with our strong sweeping current, the poisons don't stay for long.

Thus far, we have had about a half dozen SPS burnt by other neighbouring SPS, due to minor tumbles caused by snails, hermits and urchins. Montipora seem to be the big losers in these standoffs. We try to keep acros with acros, milipora with milipora, and montipora with montipora etc., but we are trying to create an aesthetically pleasing display, and as such we have to mix colours textures and growth patterns or it tends to look too uniform and organized.

As Chingchai says, let the corals decide who wins the space. It's frustrating to watch a coral grow for four months only to be stung back an inch or two when it reaches a neighbour with waiting forces. This is a necessary evil and natural part of reef life. I wouldn't have it any other way. :uzi:
Wow some beautiful fish, i see you took the "plunge" so to speak with the idols, i really will follow this with much interest, perhaps you can succeed were others have failed.

I am pretty sure they will nip something you have diverse families of corals and they are not totally "reef safe" fish but then its a toss up between having them or the corals and in my opinion , i value fish over corals it's a no "brainer" for me ;)

I like the idea of "peace- makers" but a Sohal that is more like a Peace breaker usually ;)

they look healthy although they are abit skinny and need fattening one shouldn't see that line on the body in pic 7140 it should vanish as they fatten up

Watching with much interest and hope in your success!

The Idols eat algae and sponges in the wild. We have a few varieties of sponge in the tank, including Peter's prize Spider Sponge from Australia. Perhaps the Idols will convince us once and for all that sponges cannot be kept in captivity :) Moorish Idols are just like any other tang, and I've heard more than a few stories of tangs eating favia & favites on occasion.

The Sohal was from a local tank and has been with much larger tangs for a few years. We are hoping his subordinate life has made him humble and he will be a benevolent king :)
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