Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Just a reminder to everyone of Peter's Count the Fish and Name the Fish contests. There haven't been many entries yet, so you still have a very good chance of winning. Read the Contest Page first. Entries must be received by midnight on September 6th.

Good luck!

This contest email address is a little confusing "contest at petersfishtank dot com". Can you make it a button instead?

I didn't see a friends and family members or minimum age disclaimer so my 6yr old daughter Stella guesses 13.
Well, the hope was to prevent spam bots from picking up the email address and deluging us with junk mail. A button would produce the same spam as the email address would be in the script. One would hope that anyone using the Internet by now would be able to figure out an email address written out. If anyone is having difficulty reading the email address please let me know.

As to family and friends, I will leave it to your discretion. ;)

This contest email address is a little confusing "contest at petersfishtank dot com". Can you make it a button instead?

I didn't see a friends and family members or minimum age disclaimer so my 6yr old daughter Stella guesses 13.

We'll have to come up with a category for guesses from kids under the age of eight!!!!!!!!Tell Stella her guess has been recorded by Nemo and Sons, litigators of fishy things.....

With the advent of chair and table levelers, book sales are dropping, but the plan is still on one of the burners.

:) One thought I had on the way to work today (as I was bumming about losing the bulk of my RC time) was how cool it would be to use some of Peter's budding photography skills and make the book a coffee table style. Lots of great pics could make it work for the non fish geek crowd!
Can someone post the page number where the photos are of the tank from across the room with the different color lights showing. And also the pics from when the people came and toured the equipment room, showing the mangrove wall, all the mechanics and the wall of tanks. Thanks a lot if you remember!! I have been going through the pages but I lost sanity....:bounce2:
Sorry, that's just too far back to easily find with the Search function. Why not just look in Peter's Galleries. The coloured lights images are in the First Fish folder and the Fish Room Equipment folder.

The visitors are not in the Galleries that I can see. Perhaps those images are on another site.

The Fish Room equipment is constantly being updated, so it appears in several folders. I don't know if you're looking for history or the latest. The latest Fish Room equipment images are in a slide show Mr.Wilson created but has not yet transferred to Peter's Phanfare account. I suppose the next latest images are in the Lighting changes folder.

After reading through this whole thread all 300+ pages i have to say WOW what an amazing Eco-system i don't feel the term "tank" even comes close to describing the levels of dedication and professionalism that has been shown in this thread.

I have to say thank you to Peter, Mr.Wilson, Chago, The brothers Grimm and everybody else involved in this masterpiece. it is people like yourselves who have taken a problem and stared it with a unbiased view and have not been swayed by price nor what i like to call "snob value" associated to certain brands and come out the end with a extremely effective solution that by all appearances may cost similar or slightly more than a brand item but preform so much better. This is fantastic to all enthusiasts.

Living in New Zealand we do not have access to many of these brands that are constantly referred to on many different forums and it is beyond useful seeing different ideas and approaches it means i can use locally available resources to hopefully achieve similar results albeit on a much smaller scale.

I envy your ability to own such a stunning piece of natural art and have the resources to run it, (something that a student like myself can only dream to obtain at some time in my future) i hope to be able to take your philosophy of "Best Practices" to a much smaller scale and i hope that i can ask you and your team many many questions.

Stephen Finlay
Sorry, that's just too far back to easily find with the Search function. Why not just look in Peter's Galleries. The coloured lights images are in the First Fish folder and the Fish Room Equipment folder.

The visitors are not in the Galleries that I can see. Perhaps those images are on another site.

The Fish Room equipment is constantly being updated, so it appears in several folders. I don't know if you're looking for history or the latest. The latest Fish Room equipment images are in a slide show Mr.Wilson created but has not yet transferred to Peter's Phanfare account. I suppose the next latest images are in the Lighting changes folder.


Thank you Dave!
Peter. Thank you for the opportunity to visit your tank last weekend. After seeing it in person, I must say pictures do it no justice. What you and Shawn have accomplished from near failure to extraordinary success is truly amazing. It is a testament to your patience and attention to detail. The spectacular colours and overall health of the livestock were second to none. What stood out to me the most was your ability to keep a high fish load while also growing sps with exceptional colour. Your fish looked fat and healthy. The sohal and powder blue were picture perfect. I'm positive your best practices acclimation techniques have prevented a lot of losses that the rest of us aquarists sometimes endure.

The abyzz pumps were pretty cool. Much more compact than I thought. No vibration or noise. The mangrove wall also pretty neat.

I'm excited to follow your tanks progress as it matures.

Thanks again
Peter and team, I really love the new site. I have been reading along since the pre 100 page mark and read darn near every single word (a few pages many times LOL). The extra pictures and grouping them really is fun to use. I knew that the tank was a royal pain to move in but wow does that spell that situation out.

moving my little 1000 lb tank was tough but nothing like needing to having a traffic diversion team for the giant crane.

I am looking foreward to re-visiting both the pics and re-reading important discussions.

great job guys
Peter. Thank you for the opportunity to visit your tank last weekend. After seeing it in person, I must say pictures do it no justice. What you and Shawn have accomplished from near failure to extraordinary success is truly amazing. It is a testament to your patience and attention to detail. The spectacular colours and overall health of the livestock were second to none. What stood out to me the most was your ability to keep a high fish load while also growing sps with exceptional colour. Your fish looked fat and healthy. The sohal and powder blue were picture perfect. I'm positive your best practices acclimation techniques have prevented a lot of losses that the rest of us aquarists sometimes endure.

The abyzz pumps were pretty cool. Much more compact than I thought. No vibration or noise. The mangrove wall also pretty neat.

I'm excited to follow your tanks progress as it matures.

Thanks again

Jared, on behalf of this thread community, thank you very much for taking the time to pass along your observations. It really helps the folks who are too far away to get a sense of what the real thing feels like. Its also nice to share this project with folks who are knowledgeable and experienced like yourself. Mr. Wilson is looking forward to your next visit and has set some caulerpa aside for you when you are ready. We are also peeking over the fence at your build. We are looking forward to your progress.

Peter and team, I really love the new site. I have been reading along since the pre 100 page mark and read darn near every single word (a few pages many times LOL). The extra pictures and grouping them really is fun to use. I knew that the tank was a royal pain to move in but wow does that spell that situation out.

moving my little 1000 lb tank was tough but nothing like needing to having a traffic diversion team for the giant crane.

I am looking foreward to re-visiting both the pics and re-reading important discussions.

great job guys

Thanks very much David. Hopefully the next 300 pages has even more value than the first.......See you in Des Moines.

I know that you never become great by being happy with where you have come so far, but to just match the level to date would be an amazing feat in its own right.

Rest assured that we all will keep holding your bar up higher LOL.

Very much looking forward to next week and Iowa!!!!

Love the new website - can't make up my mind whether to finish reading this thread or spend all my time on the website. Wonderful tools (both) for those of us just trying to learn more before getting our feet (tank) wet.

Love the new website - can't make up my mind whether to finish reading this thread or spend all my time on the website. Wonderful tools (both) for those of us just trying to learn more before getting our feet (tank) wet.


Thank you Lia. I spent almost a year and a half on the forum before starting my build. Best strategy by far. Are you going to MACNA?

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