That is great sand for any reef setup. You want to stay clear from the crushed coral. It has small shells in it that very quickly gather detrius etc and turn brown or black. Very difficult to clean and maintain. If you put a lot of necessarius snails in the argonite and have the proper flow across it you should always have a clean white substrate with little maintenanace.
IMO keep the sand bed not more than an inch in the display tank. Deep sand beds in display tanks eventually foul up---whether or not it is 5 years down the line but they don't seem to last forever.
With an inch sand bed you can always add a 1/2 or so every year to replentish it with little problems. Sand does lose its buffering capabilities over time.
Alot of reefers(including me) run a deep sand bed remotely from the tank as in a refugium but there are many more effecient ways of removing nitrates then a dsb such as a refugium full of cheato macro, plenty of live rock, and just not overfeeding to begin with.
No titles in Canada?----you mean Hoser is not a title or SOB---I thought when I was called that it was a sign of respect

This is a really good read on deep sand beds