Crocea on the sandbed?


New member
I have a 3" Crocea that I'd like to keep on the sandbed. I placed a small flat rock on the sandbed, and the clams has attached to it. I was planning on just slightly covering the rock with a little sand.

My tank is a 58 Oceanic (36"x18"x21"), wiht a 4-5" sandbed. Current lighting is two 250w 10k MH's, and 285w VHO actinic, all on IceCap ballasts. I'm upgrading my lighting next week to two 250w Ushio 10k HQI's, and keeping the Actinics. The clam would be getting direct light from both HQI's as I plan on keeping the clam in the center of the tank.

IYO's, will my crocea get enough lighting in the spot I have planned for it?


That sounds fine to me. Good idea about the rock on the sandbed, as croceas particularly like to attach to a rock. They have the strongest byssal attachment of the Tridacnid clams. I can't imagine covering the rock with a little sand would be a problem.

That also sounds like enough light, probably. Just in case, I would keep a close eye on the clam, and if it fades in color or stops showing new shell at the edges (and your calcium is fine), I would consider moving it up.

Good luck.

Thanks for the quick reply!

The tank is primarily SPS and clams(only have 3 LPS), and I'm using a dual chamber calcium reactor. Alk stays about 11dkh, and Calcium about 460ppm.

I'll keep an eye on the clam and make sure it stays healthy.

thx again,

Not only do croceas like being on the rocks, they can eat into them. Mine is on a little piece of concrete and has dug about halfway through it. I keep it on the bottom of a 29 gallon with the attachment base buried under the substrate (aruba shell). The clam is growing happily under a single 250 watt iwaski.