Ah ok, well that changes the game a bit!
I'd still suggest a higher count. If it's too bright, run a lower current. You've got a BIG tank, and even without optics, a small number of LEDs is going to struggle to get even coverage. Then again, depending on your approach to life, uneven coverage might be desirable. In my 360g, the "morning/evening" supplementation is going to be specifically placed and angled to create dramatic, uneven lighting in the tank with lots of contrast and shadow.
Royal Blue LEDs alone create a pretty actinic "glow" - not much real viewing light. Unless you like that look, you might want to mix in a small number of plan blues (which have a very "sky blue" look - almost like a 20kk MH lamp.) I'm not totally familiar with the ATI aquablue, but I just found a spectral plot online, and it has a huge hump right around 450 nm (which is pretty much right where royal blue LEDs are). The difference, though, is that a monochromatic LED is VERY monochromatic. By contrast, the ATI lamp has spikes up around 550 and 625, too. So maybe even mix in a small number of cool white LEDs, too, which have a lot of light in that region, too.
The problem with mixing different colors of LEDs in a build this "sparse" is that it's hard to get even coverage with all the colors. Again, that suggests that the best approach is to go with a high LED count and low(er) drive current.
14kk - 20kk range might be accomplished by 25% cool white, 25% blue, and 50% royal blue. To get more even coverage with low counts, you might be best off ditching the plain blues and going around 30 - 40% cool white and the rest royal blue. That'll give an overall spectrum similar to the ATI lamp you referenced. If you aimed for 36 LEDs, you could do 12 cool whites and 24 royal blues. I really think it will be hard to get really good, even coverage with a smaller number of LEDs, especially if they'll be the only thing lighting up the tank.
If you drove them at around 600mA, that would be ~60 - 70w of power consumption.
For drivers, you have two choices - Meanwell's various 48v drivers, which can run 12 LEDs each, or buckpucks, which require an external DC power supply and can run 6 LEDs each. It's highly a matter of personal choice, the end result will be the same. Since this is somewhat of a nonstandard build and you're not REALLY sure exactly what you want, I'd definitely get dimmable drivers, so you can adjust intensity without having to rebuild or buy different components.
FWIW, I set up a similar "supplemental" rig on a local 90g tank, with 16 LEDs running around 350mA. I had 4 royal blues, 6 cool whites, and 6 blues. It was more or less a 10k color. It was run just like you're describing - it was the only light on in the morning/evening while the main system lights were off. it worked great - provided enough light for viewing. It was probably enough light to sustain the low-light corals in that tank.
Edit - just re-read what I wrote and realized it's quite the ramble, and it reads like I changed my mind a few times halfway though. Hope it makes sense.